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I've not seen what you're trying to do, but if you can grab them with pliers surely you could get them with a vice?

Nah, they're sat in the bottom of a hole, where the tappets sit. Pain in the arse to get to. Long nose mole grips may do it, but the thing is if I just squeeze the 2 sides towards each other they'll clamp it on even tighter, and you cant just clamp one side, as the valve guides in the way. There's a lip on them that those valve stem seal removal pliers things hook under, so you're not actually clamping it hard, but they won't slip over the lip.

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Can anybody tell me which insurance group my car is? (:$ ) I've decided to sell it and need to know for advertising purposes. As you can guess my knowledge of cars is minimal/ none! I have googled for it but I couldn't find a definitive answer that I could 100% trust. Group 3 and group 5 is what I have seen bandied about so far.


It's a 1998 1.4 CL Polo


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  • 2 weeks later...

Few things have been happening with the scirocco recently, one of my wheel adaptors stripping a thread lead to a rather un-planned wheel change, so what do you guys think?




The Porsche wheels will be going back on in time, but they'll get a good re-ferb while they're off and the adaptors are being repaired. For the time being they're nice and safe in my room haha


Check out the break clearance on the new wheels with the 280's :giggle: .


And I got bored and painted the boot badges as they should have always been (someone had painted them all black).


I really need to get off my arse and give it some TLC soon though, outer CV joints need replacing, which I have the parts for, just haven't managed to get around to, also it could do with me getting the new head sorted ASAP as the old valve stem seals seem to have all but given up the ghost, and I'll get the new exhaust on when I do the head, as the old ones getting really tired. Just gotta source a back box for the new exhaust.

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Cheers, I like the wheels, but I just kinda prefer the Porsche ones, there's something less after market looking about them, and the stance is defiantly better (although that's nothing some hubcentrics couldn't solve.) I kinda liked having the red on there too, it turned heads and got a lot of attention and comments. Looks kinda bland with no colour on there IMO.

Although I'm thinking of re-ferbing the porsche's in a really dark red/burgundy colour rather than the bright red they were before.

I've got 2 spare 8v heads if your after one to have a play with? I've also got numerous bits for the standard exhaust if that's ther sort of back box your after?

Scirocco is looking sweet as f**kery! I can't wait to get mine rolling again...I need another one soooooo bad! Looks mega on those wheels as well, they always suit black spokes and silver dish.

Cheers, I've got a spare head, but I've gotta get some damaged valve stem seals off, and re-shim it before I can put it on (its a mechanical tappet head, so wont limit the revs).

Do you have a standard back box anywhere? thats what I'd be after, my current system has to be used as a whole, where as the stainless centre section is designed to be used with standard fitment backbox's. What kinda tailpipe do the standard ones you've got use, I'd prefer the twin ones really, but thats nothing a quick MIG session cant fix though.

Edited by RobinJI
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Yeah, I have a standard back box, it's a single exit pipe, sort of 2" ish pipe, it's in pretty good nic as well. Though, don't know how I'd get it down to you, postage will cost a fortune as its quite long..

Sounds ideal, but Balls, postage sucks.

Don't happen to be going to DC09 on Sunday do you?

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There kinda scene tax'd to the max. They are fairly pricey, just because they are pretty cool. I belive insurace isnt thatttt easy due to it being classed as a van/comercial vehichle. Id try ringing adrian flux or someone.

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Anyone have a rough idea about how much the insurance is likely to be on a Caddy? i'm 18 but i passed my test this year. I've just always liked caddys and they don't seem too expensive either, any more info would be good though


Total bitch. Like 3.5k with adrian flux, and they are just about the only people who'll insure a modified commercial at an even slightly reasonable price.

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A friend of mine had one as his first car at 18, it was the 1.6 petrol model, bog standard and cost him 800 a year to insure. So I'm guessing they're not thhhatt bad. As mentioned though, can be a bit tricky with it being a commercial, limits you're choices of insurer somewhat. Try small independent insurers who will treat you individually and actually think about the fact its basically just a golf being used for private use. Rather than the big company's who just type some numbers into a computer and come up with a generic figure.

Jolfa, I'll have to come find you at GTI international, be cool to meet you in person, and anyone else that's going, as said, my car will be on the scirocco register club stand, so easy enough to find.

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When is the GTI thing?

Progress on the Scirocco is thundering along now..be aiming to get it rolling in a few weeks time.

Its the weekend after next, so the 27th and 28th of june.

Get some pictures of the rear end up, be interested to see it all in. Any luck with finding any wheels?

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