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Looking good Oli...

I wish I had the patience / knowledge for that kind of stuff

Patience has got the better of me today i tell thee!

grrrr. new boot doesnt close, i cocked up the wiring for it, cant ge the lower lip to clip onto front bumper, new paint reacting with old paint on rear bumper, bonnet doesnt shut- probably because of new bonnet lifters, so they will probably have to go.

Overall, got sod all done because of all the problems. One very unhappy Oli.

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Patience has got the better of me today i tell thee!

grrrr. new boot doesnt close, i cocked up the wiring for it, cant ge the lower lip to clip onto front bumper, new paint reacting with old paint on rear bumper, bonnet doesnt shut- probably because of new bonnet lifters, so they will probably have to go.

Overall, got sod all done because of all the problems. One very unhappy Oli.

If that was me, the car would be full of holes and on fire by now...

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Went back down to the car, just got back!

boot is on, with screen, spoiler and plinth ect. Was working until i put the boot lifters on, and they must have iether moved it on its mounts slightly or just stretched it, as it now doesnt close. grrr! I really don't like the fact i crashed my car! things don't line up properly at all.

got the lip on the bumper, and rested the bumper on the car. looks good.

The rear lights look AMAZING with the flat black paint, theres something about the combo which just strikes you.

Getting there, although it wont be ready for me to take back to uni :(

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Long time no update!

run out of time this easter :( so not taking car back to uni with me just yet, which is a shame, but i may as well do everything in one hit.

doing coursework tonight, and need to tidy up and get glass back in tommorow before i go back to uni, just in case it rains.

It is looking a bit more car like now though. Pictures say more than words:
















boot is on, with glass, lock, plinth and spoiler. Was even working. then put the struts on, the the striker catches on the underside of the boot. obviously the shunt has pushed the striker upwards. Will eb fun to fix, dont want to take a hammer to the rear panel for fear of filler falling. taken a hammer to a spare striker, nearly worked. put plates under boot hinges, got it closer. May need to take a hammer to where the latch mounts on the boot lid me thinks.


New tyres on porka rims today.


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Er, can't remember the name, but it has 2 letters then 2 numbers in the URL.

That actually looks like its going to be an awesome little dub.

Plus its matte black, which always get brownies points with me. :D

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www.edition38.com is prob the best general one. UK based too.

Vortex seems busy, but i never got on with it so well, seems to be lots of americans on there.

Then theres no-rice.com too.

Er, can't remember the name, but it has 2 letters then 2 numbers in the URL.

That actually looks like its going to be an awesome little dub.

Plus its matte black, which always get brownies points with me. :D


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looks good oli, shame the boot doesnt fit! very nice get it finished soon!!!! porka wheels look nice. shame its not done was hoping to see it when i come down to pompey today. oh well nay mind.

on the case of forums, clubgti.co.uk is a goodun

Edited by curly_freak
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clubpolo is very good and vortex, christ i cant get my head around that place. isnt it the place with a lamborgihni section?

Yeah, it covers all the marques, so audi, vw, seat, skoda, bentley, bugatti and lamborghini. Interesting site to wander about.

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Hey, thought it would be better to put this in here rather than making a new thread, so:

I'm nearly 18, and am yet to acquire a driving licence, so that's top of my priorities, but after this, obviously I'm gunna want a car.

I really have my heart set on a Polo mk3, coupe 1.3l, probably just a CL for now. I figure it'll be a good first car, cheep, reliable, and practical. Basically, I'm just wanting to check my thought processes are right, and I'm not being a moron like normal. So:

I'm thinking definitely a 1.3, I know its gunna knock the insurance up by a nice large lump, but I'm not using it to commute, and I plan on doing a fair bit of motorway driving and it'll probably spend a decent amount of time with a bike rack strapped to it, and I know from experience of mates cars, the 1.0/1.1l cars end up at about 60mph in the slow lane drinking fuel with 2 people in them and 2 bikes on a rack,, which is something I'd rather avoid.

I'm also thinking I'd like to modify the engine somewhat, I know my way around a spanner pretty well and am probably taking an automotive engineering foundation degree next year, so I figure it'll be pretty fun having a car I can work on for myself. Because of this I'm thinking a car from pre august 1992 would be nice for the option of taking out the catalytic converter. Also I'm sure I heard prawn say something about classic car insurance applying to cars over 15 years old?

I've had a few insurance quotes on it fully comp and under my name with 6000 miles and because I live in a shit whole the best is 1664 quid providing I get a pass plus, so I'm pretty sure I'll be going on my mum or dads insurance, gunna check for quotes in a minute. Are there any companies in particular I should check out for cheep insurance on that kind of car?

Finally, what could I do to it to get more power, and how much would it cost? I know this is a big subject, but just a rough guide would be nice. If I started getting it going well I'd probably want to strip it out and up-rate the suspension and breaks too.

Sorry if that doesn't make much sense.

Any help will be much appreciated. (Y)

Edit: Just got some more quotes this time in the mothers name and I'm happy to say the least, Even with just a quick search on confused.com its come up with 5 sub 600 pound quotes! The cheapest of which was 574, which really isn't bad!

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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Try Adrian Flux, I have my Mk4 polo insured with them and will get my Mk1 golf gti insured when it finally gets back on the road. My brother also uses this, he has a golf rally with a 1.8t in it, and a lowered passat diesel with a uprated turbo. He found that Adrian flux would insure the passat with the rally as a named car cheaper than anywhere else insured the rally alone!

would say more, but works finished and its home time! Ciao!!

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ecarinsurance.co.uk, i use them , nick will most likely be using them as they were loads cheaper for his audi, and oli uses them i believe. dirt cheap and helpful. do you really need fully comp? is the car going to be worth the extra fully comp will cover you for and the extra cost it will incur? my insurance is just under 300quid tpft for a mk2 golf gti, 4 years no claims and 2 years driving.

try them (Y)

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i think i am getting drawn to the VW side of things now!!

I am really tempted to go out and buy a clipper, sit it on some 13" ats classics and make its arse scrape the floor. BUT i am getting drawn to the chavvy side of vauxhalls aswell mainly because i have been playing with them for over a year now and i know them pretty well. Are vws easily modified? can you get a fair bit of grunt from them for little money?

Some one help me haha

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