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VW Caddy's, Tell me everything you chaps know about them, please? After a stint of no much fun with the mini, it's wearing me out. So I ask of you any information you know on them, whats driving like? Rust? parts seem quite readily available etc.

Annd, I know about the manifold situation after research, but what do you chaps know about fitting a mk2 16v golf gti engine into one? is it a case of buy the additional/modified mounts fit it and get it wired in? Or is there some chopping and what not to get it fitted?

Also, discs? I can't find any information on the brakes they came with.

Like I say, any information is much obliged. I was swaying towards a Polo G40, but then started looking into the caddy scene and coor blimey theres some stunning cars out there!


Just thought I'd point out I'm not worried about getting my hands dirty/getting stuck in at all, I relish the challenge haha

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Caddy's are really good !

just a beefed up Mk1 golf really, Drums on the back, Discs on the front.

Fitting a Mk2 16V is a common and relatively easy swap. Conversion plates are quite easy to get hold of, and I know somebody who has a set knocking about. The interiors wear hard on them, but unfortunately there perfect builder material so most are beaten up :( Buying new panels/making one mint can be expensive, but alot of parts are out there.

If you want I can give you details of a bloke I know with a VERY straight and original one who's got a Mk2 GTI (8V though :() to go with it aswell.

Do it !

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Yeah, my friends running a mk2 gti lump in his mk1 golf, and its silly fast and looks a relativley neat install. I'm not to fussed about panel work either, more then enough tooling round here to fit new wings/quaters, after reading up on the VW caddy forum, seems the most commone rust spot is the bed/ wheel arches in the back. Sounds logical to be fair. Doesn't matter about the interior either, I'm already thinking retrimmed Recaro GTE seats, possibley the most comfy seats ever made.

Blatently needs to be euro too ;)


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:) Rust wise that about right, You can buy checker plate beds from America. Imported there about £1300, the look friggin awesome though !

Don't get Astra Recaro's, get the propper G60 Recaro's.


Also, Interior wise you can fit Digifant (that funny dash display on the floor of that one) to them and put Mk2 dashes in quite easily.

Other than a 16Ver, thaught about a 9A engine ? Much more power for less money :)


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There a 2L 16v? Fitted in.. Passats etc? I hadn''t thought of the family market VW cars, would make sence.

And Chequerplate? That stuffs foul. :P

My thoughts on it at the minute is a smart, semi modern fast-ish run about. Electric windows, central locking/remote alarm jobbo, fairly comfy to ride in and quiet. Not after a show stopper, just something that makes me happy :)

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Jolfa's got a well built 9A coming up for sale out of his golf soon (I think !) :)

9A's are much better engines than the 1800's.

You can fit all of the nice comfy bits into it, but you won't get electric windows. They work on Servo's and vacuum pumps, wich is a right arse to fit into a golf thats ment to have it, let alone a caddy ! But Electric kits are available really cheap (£30 quid for a top of the line one) wich are pimp :)

The thing to do is buy a Mk2 golf GTI, or a Passat and just strip the bits you need off as you need them.

If you get a 9A you can Supercharge it tooooo :D Yeah, 9A's come out of Corrado's, Passats and Vento's. It's the 16V 2L engines :)

If you go for a 1800 Golf GTi engine -

With brakes and stuff you can put Mk2 Golf 16V callipers and discs on the front (if you go for 15"+ wheels) and you can change the back hubs to Mk2 GTI Discs aswell (I think !)

Suspension wise, lowering blocks on the back and SLAM it on the front :)

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Indeed, just been talking to my friend with the golf, he was telling me about a kit he brought to change his standard shocks into coilovers!? No idea what the company etc is but I'm sure he'll no doubt explain to me next time I see him. Just spoke to my dad about panel availability etc and aparently he can get 90% of the panels for them (minus bulkheads, as you'd expect) so thats no trouble at all. Best get the mini up for sale then and go Caddy shopping!

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Indeed, just been talking to my friend with the golf, he was telling me about a kit he brought to change his standard shocks into coilovers!? No idea what the company etc is but I'm sure he'll no doubt explain to me next time I see him. Just spoke to my dad about panel availability etc and aparently he can get 90% of the panels for them (minus bulkheads, as you'd expect) so thats no trouble at all. Best get the mini up for sale then and go Caddy shopping!

Yeah thats about right.

Here are the coil over kits -


There STUPIDLY unsafe...

Edited - Wrong link :P

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you can fit Digifant (that funny dash display on the floor of that one)

It's Digifiz! I told you that, Digifant is the injection system found on 8v GTI's :P

Jolfa's got a well built 9A coming up for sale out of his golf soon (I think !) :)

It's a 6a, same engine but out of Audi's so they cost half as much ^_^

If you get a 9A you can Supercharge it tooooo :D

You can but it's no small job!!!

With brakes and stuff you can put Mk2 Golf 16V callipers and discs on the front (if you go for 15"+ wheels)

If you're using 16v hubs, may aswell go for G60 brakes as they bolt straight on to them, just need the appropriate carriers B)

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Yeah thats about right.

Here are the coil over kits -


There STUPIDLY unsafe...

Edited - Wrong link :P

I love the way they reckon they'll work on all models of mk2/3. So a mk2 1.3 and a mk3 VR6 are gunna be fine with the same front spring weights are they. haha. Also I think they forgot about the mk3 estate, which has different rear shocks.

Yeah tom, with the caddys it is possible to put on 16v breaks, but there's some complication to do with the hubs, an easier option is always to use the TSR conversions or similar.

As for suspension caddys are work horses and have leaf sprung live axle on the rear, so coil-overs are a front only thing, they're pretty easily avalible though as fronts alone from places like philJ on clubpolo.co.uk

Out of interest, why not get a golf? A caddy will offend you in the corners coming from a mini. haha.

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That man speaks truth !

TSR brake adapters are the thing of my dreams...

google tim styles racing...

Look at this fanny. Baught the BEST caddy ever, and he's literally this second sold the engine, after RUINING it.





And look what he's done now, willy.



Give it 6 months, the scene will change and the car will be worth f**k all.

And lets face it, he's made a hand shandy job of it.

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isnt that just vinyl wrap, rather than actual paint, if so, providing the original paint job was decent quality, a day with a hot air gun/steam cleaner, some tar and glue remover, and a tub of polish, and apart from the wheels, the daft front splitter, and the front bump strip, itd be back to normal, and the splitter and the wheels will come straight off, and its not gunna cost the earth to get a 4 foot x 2 inch strip sprayed black.

i say wait till its worth feck all, then buy it.

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