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Your 10 Year Plan


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Hopefully in ten years time I shall be a consultant of some sort, specialising in Unix and linux travelling the world and advising different companys

or a ranch somewhere in australia next to the beach where I have a massive crop of ganja and just surf/bodyboard and ride bmx

more than likely the first one :(

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ill be 36/37

should have some babies by then (assuming all the tubes are working) -

ill have kept the same missus (assuming she's in much the same shape she is now - aren't I shallow?)

a mortgage

2 german giant rabbits (the really big buggers that weigh 6 stone) - they'll live in the house and scare burglars

hopefully i'll have got round to learning to drive by then

I'll still be riding - don't see why being old should stop me

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Hmmm in 10 years time, I'll be almost 31 :S

Job wise could be anything, ideas at the moment range from RAF pilot to researcher for the beeb or similar. Woudn't mind a nice house, with loving wife etc :P Oh and by then i'll have owned an old school mini, 106 rallye and currently have either a minaro or an evo IX which by then i'll be able to afford the insurance on one! Also hope to have been travelling, in particular back to Austraila.


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  • 4 years later...

i'll be 26

will have a diploma in MIG/TIG/MMA welding. Coded in MIG & TIG. Being a self employed welder/fabricator. maybe even have a business if i play my cards right. Want to have a fair sized house with a massive garage. will have a replica Metro 6R4 with a cosworth supercharged v6 and blahblahblah i could go on forever :D

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Wierd how many of the people that were 18/19 at the time of this thread had all these lucrative financial plans and ideas, I have no clue about stuff like that right now.

In 10 years time I'll be 29. I'd like to think I've got it in me to be involved in the drum and bass industry in some way, if not through producing/mixing, then through backend stuff like promoting, label running, photography, design, distributing etc. Hopefully in a fairly creative way, owning a clothing/apparel line would be a touch as well as a creative outlet, but there's lots of fish in that sea I guess.

Writing as well, particularly creative writing would be fun, but publishing the book we're planning on attempting to collate at the minute about flyer art and other stuff in that vein would be pretty sweet. Being involved in street/contemporary art on some level is actually becoming a feasible possibility.

I'd like to be able to travel a lot, and most likely live in/around London or maybe another nice lively city like Nottingham, hopefully in a house rather than a flat. Missus, maybe have recently had a first kid or be thinking about it.

Kinda lots of potential plans rather than one set one, but I think I'd enjoy any of those things and they could intertwine as well.

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In 10 years time I'll be 30. I have no plan really, I just want to follow partially in my Dad's footsteps. Non-stressful, well paid job a third of a mile from home, and just starting a (new) family. His partner just had their twins a couple of days ago though and he's 51. That part I don't want to follow.

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i'll be 26

will have a diploma in MIG/TIG/MMA welding. Coded in MIG & TIG. Being a self employed welder/fabricator. maybe even have a business if i play my cards right. Want to have a fair sized house with a massive garage. will have a replica Metro 6R4 with a cosworth supercharged v6 and blahblahblah i could go on forever :D


In 10 years time I'll be 34. I would hope that I'll have made a success of this business or another one, or many. I want to be able to hand that over to someone else to run as soon as possible so I can spend time travelling the world and/or looking after my family. As long as I'm contented and not fighting to keep a roof over my/our head, then I'll be happy.

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I'll be 38 and I imagine three different scenarios.

Working in a university as a lecturer teaching philosophy and/or Buddhism.

Meditating in a monastry or something similar. Probably following a Buddhist teaching.

Dead via a dangerous hobby I've taken up because the first two plans failed.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Lol @ Ben. Not into the third scenario really, although at the rate i'm going with the racing, i'm not counting it out...

To look at the previous 10 years kind of proves you cannot predict the next. I haven't got a clue about what might happen, or even what i'd like to happen. Not much of the last 10 years were planned, yet i'm happier than ever, so, i guess to remain as happy and content as i am now, for the next 10 years will be good for me, and however that comes about along the way i'm easy with.

Right now i'd say it's likely i'll be in the same job, or working for the same employer at least, which is BT, and i'd like to be a respected racing instructor. I'd like to be racing at the sharp end of british club racing, with a house, something that has so far eluded me in my 27 years, and as far as a family goes, i can't see kids fitting with my lifestyle. i'm not a fan of children really.

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