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Your 10 Year Plan


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I will be 25, hopefully finished a degree in Geography or Buisness Studies (really dont know yet) living somewhere different to reading, hopefully with a fairly good job, cant really see me worrying about wife and kids until i reach late 20's early 30's.

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I'll be ashes floating on a radioactive breeze , having died in the Nuclear holucaust Bush will have caused in 2011 .

If not , I'll be working as an Architectural illustrator , still in Holland with my own house and several pet lizards

and some kind of casual female companion . Will occasionaly kick some pedals , too .

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I'll be 28, probably won't have gone to uni because my damn form tutor has taken sooo long to send the form off. I will have tried a few different jobs and should have found one that i'm interested in. Ideally working as a concept artist for a games company or owning my own business would be pretty cool. But by that age i will probably have realised that owning a decent night club will be where the money's at. I'll still be riding, but maybe not like all these go massive people, just a casual rider who does awesomely fancy stuff but with the smoothest style any of you will ever see! Hell, i'll have had 10 years to practise it! :D

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How old do i feel :-

In ten years time i will be 33 :S

Within ten years hopefully, me and the other half will have a nice place in the country with a paddock n ome land for her horses and i can get a decent trials setup in the garden lol (thats assuming i can still ride trials in ten years!)

Other than that, will either be working at British Gas, interview is this week, or self employed.

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I'll be 27/28, I would have quit trials by then without a doubt. Flash car, nice house. Hopefully marry my missus and have kids.

I WILL be a self employed Heath and Safety Advisor for huge companies, 80k a year would be nice.

Things to do before then;

Go abroad with mates

Go abroad with missus

Marry missus

At least 1 diploma in H&S

Own a good car

Then I'll be happy :)

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I'll be 27 in ten years. Which is pretty old.

I want to do professional photography and graphic design. Either be high up in a design firm then steal all their customers and make my own design house, or something along those lines.

However, I really like business, and wouldn't mind giving management advice / taking over them for a short while to get them on their feet, and having a 20% equity in each company, then move on to the rest. Meaning if the company go big (which the should) then I get loads rolling in all the time.

By taking over / building companies up with market holes and making a fortune, then selling them, I want £1,000,000 in the bank by i'm 30 anyway.

We'll see how it goes. Doing Advertising and Marketing as well as Website design and management at Lancaster I hope.

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  anzo said:
I'll bet 80% of this forum aren't riding in 10 years time.

No shit. Its more likely to be like 95% I recon. Also is it 80% of the forum that rides at the moment, or jsut 80% of the forum. As I know there are a number of people on here who don't ride already, so odd's of them riding in 10 years time is slim to none.

It's nice to see so many people with big plans too, though many of you want to be in the creative indusries, where its super hard to get a decent job.

I will be 33 in ten years time. With any luck I will be married, with kids, with a job that pays well enough to be comfortable. Perhaps a senior position within a technical support department (for manf. industry) would do.

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  Snowy said:

in ten years ill be 26, hopfully ill have a job, and also ill be quite poor due to council tax being super high (N), also maybe a girlfriend :P .

You mean...

  Snowy said:

in ten years ill be 26, hopfully ill have a job, and also ill be quite poor due to having a girlfriend(N), also the council tax, gas, electricity, water, TV license, insurances, cars, kids... :P .

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  anzo said:

You mean...

in ten years ill be 26, hopfully ill have a job, and also ill be quite poor due to having a girlfriend(N), also the council tax, gas, electricity, water, TV license, insurances, cars, kids... .

not looking good for me :o

Edited by Snowy
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Well i'll be 25 and hopefully doing freelance web design. So i can decide my own hours and work when and where i like. Ideally i would like to earn enough in the winter to doss in the summer but i doubt that.

In reality i'll probably be working for Simon. :P:lol:


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In 10 Years Ill be 32.

Yea that right you bunch of kids, 32.

Hopefully Ill either be a Ford Master Technician, or what I really ant to do is get into a job doing classic car restorations, modifications and race prep.

If im really lucky, ill have a Job at Cosworth engineering building engines

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In ten years time some of you kids will be younger than I am now :(

Well I will be 35/36 and still will be with my girlfriend and had lots of adventures

Maybe started a family and have a house and stuff!!

Hopefully still riding occasionally and following the scene - hopefully i a could raise enough cash done some sort of 'road fools' thing that would be awesome!

I hopefully will be thinking of doing some sort of hans rey-eqse ride, using all my trials skillz to tackle some crazy foreign place!

job wise - haven't got a clue :S

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I'll be 33.

By then hope to have got married, have a mortgage, and a senior design position within one of the companies I'm in the process of applying to at the momoent (CAT, Bently, Nissan to name a few).

I also aim to have become a chartered engineer by the time I'm 30.

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I'm sooooo old

I'll be 36, 10 years into the mortgage I've just got with another 20 to go. Hopefully still with my lady and hopefully not doing Data warehousing in SQL but something a bit more fulfilling

I'll still be riding bikes though, by which point it'll have been 33 years of pushing the pedals.......

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