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Speeding Fines

zoo p

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baisicaly i have had a letter trough today from the welsh police saying that i was caught doing 83mph in a 70 limit, ive searched for info on the fines and points but cant find any clear guidelines on them.

does anyone have any idea of what i will get?

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Usually £60 and 3 points, "SP70" is the classification of the offence. When I got caught by a police hand held camera accelerating up a hill in a seemingly non residential area, I was doing just over 40 in a 30, and I think for more than 10miles above 30 then it could be 4 points but the police man marked it down as 40mph.

I've had 3 offences so far. All unintential and due to me being unaware that it was a 30 area, but that's a whole different matter!


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buy a SNOOPER S5R, next time the piggies are within site, you get warned! simplest answer really. Yes they may be a little expensive but your license is worth preserving and they pick up everything, when you drive past shops with automatic doors this device can even pick them up! Better to be safe then sorry?

stu (Y)

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buy a SNOOPER S5R, next time the piggies are within site, you get warned! simplest answer really. Yes they may be a little expensive but your license is worth preserving and they pick up everything, when you drive past shops with automatic doors this device can even pick them up! Better to be safe then sorry?

stu (Y)

yet theres currently nothing out there that can pick up the mobile cameras.....

the only thing you can do for the mobiles is to get a blocker, which totally scrambles there cameras, although if your caught using one of them your in BIG trouble....

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Theres one that spots a cop car from 10 miles away..and if you have more than 10 points on your license,when you see a police car your car hides behind a tree....lol

If you get a fine..the police should thank you...because it is you who is paying for there christmas p*ss up.


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yet theres currently nothing out there that can pick up the mobile cameras.....

the only thing you can do for the mobiles is to get a blocker, which totally scrambles there cameras, although if your caught using one of them your in BIG trouble....


If you clickity the link i hope you can find that they actually do pick up mobile cameras, whether that be the mobile lasers like handheld guns and the ones they use in vans that they park up or the mini gatso which is a mobile radar camera.

The reason i suggest this device of all is because it pretty much only gets these sort of cameras, the fixed cameras (mainly digital) it wont pick up but you generally know where most of these are on your daily routes so just be sensible in them areas.

Am i right?

Stu (Y)

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I think you'll find that there are plans to soon make camera dectors that do not totally really on GPS illegal. This should be happening quite soon. Unless it already has.

I think this is good, I hate camera dectectors. Speed limits are there for a reason, detectors are there for compleate idiots who can't seem to understand the point of having speed limits.

However I don't agree with the speed limit for the motorways staying at 70mph? There is hardly any danger there as traffic is split into three lanes.

Anyway, no point in buying the dectectors unless you want to waist money.

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When we went to the cinema last nite my housemates tom tom with speed camera addon picked up every single camera. It even warned us of all the temporary ones on the M60 around the major roadworks. He said it updates itself everytime he plugs it into the pc.

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Balls to u all

i got pulled over doing 93 on the motorway (70 limit) in the rain whilst over taking a police car in a metro with 3 people and 3 bikes not beign able to see out the back due to the bikes (police car flashed me, apparently) and got away with it scott free

sporting a hardon from that!

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Balls to u all

i got pulled over doing 93 on the motorway (70 limit) in the rain whilst over taking a police car in a metro with 3 people and 3 bikes not beign able to see out the back due to the bikes (police car flashed me, apparently) and got away with it scott free

sporting a hardon from that!

Lets organise a medal for this hardcore fella.

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baisicaly i have had a letter trough today from the welsh police saying that i was caught doing 83mph in a 70 limit, ive searched for info on the fines and points but cant find any clear guidelines on them.

does anyone have any idea of what i will get?

Hi you dunno if this is any help but you can by LAW request to see the calibration certificate for the camera that caught you, This they have to do each day, and if they can not produce it they cant actually fine/charge you. What do you think the chances are they have this.................... :-

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Hi you dunno if this is any help but you can by LAW request to see the calibration certificate for the camera that caught you, This they have to do each day, and if they can not produce it they cant actually fine/charge you. What do you think the chances are they have this.................... :-

what do u think the chances are they will find this and what do u think the chances are they will Find more problems with ur car

stick to your fine, u have been a naughty boy!

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If you want to get out of it, buy a book called "the drivers survival handbook"

Its got all the loop holes, and back doors to getting rid of fines and stopping points. It also has letter you can send off to get them to drop everything.

Its about £35

I havent read it, but the reveiws are damn good

and it if helps, youve saved loot already

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ok joe i will stop "crying over it" which im not (thats you you emo) oh and did i mention how stupid you are.

anyway im gonna ask my "friends" not to post this topic as i cant risk any more idiots like joe tring to cost me £2000 by posting comments about other people that drive the car (Y)

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