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Is It Just Me?


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I noticed that a lot of you get a lot of support from your family, and a lot of the time you mentioning how your dad's are realy into it, Is this the case with a lot of you? If it's worth mentioning I get shouted at when i damage/tinker with + then f**k up my bike, and never get any help from my dad or anything :(

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I noticed that a lot of you get a lot of support from your family, and a lot of the time you mentioning how your dad's are realy into it, Is this the case with a lot of you? If it's worth mentioning I get shouted at when i damage/tinker with + then f**k up my bike, and never get any help from my dad or anything :(

thats exactly the same with me my dad doesn't really like me doin trial so if my bike brakes ive got to save money to get it fixed (N) my mum like me doing it bhut she can't help me she lives in cambridge (N)

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Well,my mam always says "your always wrecking your bikes and spending loads of money on it" and i say mam ive only broke the handlebars because they where crap and she would say "im not suprised i seen you pulling wheelies on the front" and then i would laugh then she would say "our Jonathan (brother) had his bike forever and never spent anything on it" i would say yes thats because he went to the shop on it every now and then ect.....But my dad buys me motorbike stuff just not cycle stuff (N)

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Being nearly 18 and riding about on a tiny bike without a seat...my parents obviously don't support it. I earn my own money and spend my own wages on my bike so its none of their business.

My Dad has never liked it since I quit mototrials. He thinks its for kids and that I should 'act my age' although he never says that to me, you still get the feeling he thinks it. On the other hand he still shows all his mates my bike, telling them how much I have spent on it and how 'light' it is.

He understands what it is and all...but me thinks he's secretly embaressed of his son...lol, oh well, my life, my hobbie.

My Mum calls my bike 'crap' and thinks I should sell to get a car, even though I have about £9k to get a car and pay any costs off with it...and if I did sell it'd only be sold on insurance and shit...waste of time. She only thinks its crap because I've spent a lot on it, not due to the fact that they are expensive componants, lol and therefore NOT crap...

Then...my girlfriend. She hates it. Refuses to be seen with me on it, lol. I saw her out one day and rode up to her and she said 'I'm not being seen with you on that bike' as a joke...and so, rode alone with the brake half on, that attracted muchos attention...lesson learnt for her.

So yeah, all my family and Girl hate it...

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Well at first my dad would let me spend no money on it. He didnt relise what it was all about. ( getting pimped haha) Then he let me and wel they liked me doing it. Then i broke 2 ribs and mom got worried dad said try again i was liek wow. Because if something like that happens they tr to stop me. ( gues im a big boy now lol) And then one day my mom said she doesnt want me rideing no more. So my dad said BEau heres 50 quid go by some weed like as a joke because she also said i spend way to much on it. And they argued about me and he said do you want him spending money on weed n booze or bike parts and doing stuff in his life. After that they both love me riding. Mommy still scared lol.

SAo if they say something about you spending to much on your bike. Say your buying cocain or something they will soon shut up lol.

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Being nearly 18 and riding about on a tiny bike without a seat...my parents obviously don't support it. I earn my own money and spend my own wages on my bike so its none of their business.

Your 18 so you can easily afford the shizzle you need, But i'm 15 and living in a shithole village where everything is backwards etc i can't even get a sodding paperound!

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Im 21 and support my self very well(I do get paid 150smakers an hour for dj work at weekends)

but i do get into debt now and again and have to go to my mum to borrow a bit of money because my friends wont borrow me money because i allready owe them :(

My dad has never gave me anything tight as f**k i just borrow his landcruiser to go rallying which is cool.

I have to do all my work apart from washing and cooking thats were my lovely girl come in.

I get freinds to help with hard tasks i cant do.

Edited by nova666
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My dad lives on the other side of the world in New Zealand and probebly doesn't even know I ride trials, But he is a bell end so I couldn't really care less :P .

My mum sort of know's what it is and is pretty layed back about it and doesn't mind if i mess around with my bike or anything but she also knows how much the parts are so gets annoyed and says "you have get your self another job" and i assure her i will in the summer when there is actually some around.

She hates my LBS so whenever i break any parts i just blame it on them and then the whole trials is too expensive you have to get your self a job thing comes around then i have another go at her saying "im still at school so i want some time to my self".

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My dad likes me riding, he takes me to comps and pays for my bike parts etc. This is a great help but my mum always argues about it saying too much money is being spent on the bike. My dad being far more intelligent than her puts her strieght by explaining chavs and what amuses them.She has to deal with it.

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My parents didn't like it at first and never thought i would commit to trials, But now they have seen how much i enjoy riding they seem to show an interest, my dad more than my mom, he likes the engineering side of it, i.e amazed by the quality of the welding on my python etc. They know that it's expensive, and it's all my money that goes on it. It's a hobby i enjoy and they appreciate that i guess.


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my mum doesnt like me riding trials she wont lend me money for it or take me places to ride, on the odd occasion she mite.

my dad on the other hand, evan though i only see him once a fortnite, takes me all over the uk to ride and lends me cash until i get paid for parts etc he will buy the parts when they brake but if i want an upgrade i have to buy the part my self.


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My dad does help me with anythink either. My mum does'nt know much about trials but she helps me with things like paying for stuff and helping me out with train money.

My mums the greatest!

Oh yeah, and my mum also hates it because I get police fines and injure myself, I got a bad pedal shin when I first started...as you do...but I remember the blood once just didnt stop...and I went home and lifted my trouser leg up and showed her, lol, she was nearly sick, lol, although it looked really bad, blood everywhere.

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I noticed that a lot of you get a lot of support from your family, and a lot of the time you mentioning how your dad's are realy into it, Is this the case with a lot of you? If it's worth mentioning I get shouted at when i damage/tinker with + then f**k up my bike, and never get any help from my dad or anything :(

You have a terrible dad, my dad helps me with alot, he drives me if I need to be drived somewhere to ride, he grinds my rim, so I don't have to do it myself, it's my dad who does the most of the work! And it's my dad that has paid the bike until I'm getting confirmated. Confirmation = Moneys (Y)

So tell him that if he cares about you, you need to have fun, and you need some expensive equipment..!! Does always work! :rolleyes:

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You have a terrible dad

lol! bit harsh. Thats it orge, I'm calling Social Services.

So tell him that if he cares about you, you need to have fun, and you need some expensive equipment..!! Does always work! :rolleyes:

Also thats a horrible thing to do...the old 'If you really loved me you wouldn't touch me there Dad' guilt trip.

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My first bike was doomed as a 'five minute wonder' according to my parents. A year on they buy me a t-mag! sorted! But my dads pretty annoying, most of all when I was grinding my rim for the first time; 'You'll break it' 'Its to weak' 'Thats the wrong grinder' 'It wont make any difference'

Then he had a go on it with sandals and came off after the bike stopped and he carried on. 1 - 0 !


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Also thats a horrible thing to do...the old 'If you really loved me you wouldn't touch me there Dad' guilt trip.

LMFAO!!! Mint.

My parents are pretty good I guess, they'll always *lend* me money but I'm the one who in the end pays for everything, with my two jobs. And when my T-Rex got nicked my mum gave me £200 towards buying a new bike so to be honest I think even my mum understands how much being able to get out on my bike means to me.

It's a little harder for me though as I also have to maintain a freeride bike and it all adds up. I don't really have alot of "disposable income" haha

All of you people being bought stuff need to stop complaining, you're much better off than you think. The majority of people on this forum pay for *all* their own stuff, often with very little parental support at all.

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