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Forkin Forks


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Personally i would go for the urbans, They flex LOADS, but it makes everything feel so nice, doing a front to back and really flicking off the front wheel. Although they have a lot of flex to them, they are very strong forks and will put up with most trials abuse. The controls are the same tubing but curve out more which i would imagine give a slight amount more wheelbase length than the urbans would.

I just like the simplicity of the urbans and trust them for all my riding, either forks will be good so at the end of the day, its down to you.


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unt enteresant!

but, i have had urbans for ages, i broke a few but people who know me know i hit things a little hard

i prefer the look of urbans over controls, its doesnt really make a difference, they are almost identicle in rake/wheelbase

urbans (Y) for the win *what ever that means*

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Urbans or Fattys or Ashtons or Base or the alike, I just think theyre so damn sexy, you may think otherwise though, Urbans or Controls will be strong enough for your average rider, why not get Control forks to match your Control frame? ;)

dont get ashtons, have just seen a mate last night who's forks had bent proper at the top of the fork on the bend.

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