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Curb Video Competition 2 - Ends 5th April


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Was just hopping about on some curbs outside, and remembered the Curb Video Competition from last year.

Last years entries were pretty good!

Makes a change from all the street and natural videos you see about... :-

Now we can see what you lot are like on curbs! B)

And if the people who entered last years can do better :P

So lets get some rules and info down...

1) Curbs and flat ground only. - Small ledges acceptable, up to 10" Max.

2) Video length around 1min long. - Just so it doesn't get too boring.

3) DEADLINE: 5th April March. - Being 2 weeks from now.

If you need longer, just post up here, and we casn sort something out. - As long as the majority agrees.

4) On 5th April (or a few days beforwe final deadline) I'll make a Poll (In another topic) for your votes.

No cheating guys, we want this to be a fir comp', plus it's all for fun anyway.

5) The prize is a King sized Mars bar - Bought by me (as I'm so kind :- ) And will be posted 1st class to the winner! :o

6) Please can every who enters post their videos up here, or send them to me via MSN so I can put them on my tv.isg.si account. - MSN address: Dan6061@gmail.com

7) I don't mind what the videos are made in, just incase some might wonder...

8) Preferabley decent quality, so we don't have to squint to see what's going on.

In daylight too, Or aleast decent light. Reason as above.

9) Originality will get more of my vote! - Find some funky lines B)

10) Me and Rich (Started last years...) will enter too, I can remember last year, he never actually got round to film any of it. but our mate has a decent camera, so we should get something done by the both of us, or atleast by me.

Now who's up for it (again) ? :)

If I've missed anything, please post up here (Y)

Edited by Dan6061
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does it all have to be on 1 cerb or can it be on a few ? (all under 10")

Can be on any curb, I don't mind. Don't think anyone else will :ermm:

Good thing about curbs - Right outside your house (most of you) and easy to ride on!

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yaaay, I got a camera for my birthday, this will be an excelent way of getting used to it and refresh my editing.

havnt got a pavment next to my house, but theres one a quarter of a mile away I can use (Y)

im gonna batter u ali your gonna looooooooooooose :P

and if you slash my tyres well you no ill set the crazy welsh sheep on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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im gonna batter u ali your gonna looooooooooooose :P

and if you slash my tyres well you no ill set the crazy welsh sheep on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright..enough of that young one :P

Should be good this video, I'm about to download some of last years entries.

By the way- whoever won last years, is still owed a Mars bar by Rich :P

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what about jumping over pathways from driveways :-

It'll do, as long as it's on flat/curb/Max 10" ledge, I don't care (Y)

Watch some of the old entries for ideas... LINK

Please note: The Trialsshack ones won't work, becuase it's not a site anymore...well...

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