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Bmx Brake Pads

Michael Hardman

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Its been along time since Ive had a brake and Im out of touch with the V brake ads on the market.

I used to run Plazmatic V-Flys but is there anything else worth getting outt here.

Ive seen Tthe Heatsink Coust V Brake pads but would the lastic or cnc's backing be better.

Im stuck on what to get for my BMX, I need somethignt hat will lock with little effort on my smooth black rim.

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  Simon said:

There is like a handfull of people on here that ride BMX, and even less that actually have the knowledge to answer that properly with good advice based on real life experiences. Have you not thought to visit a BMX forum? :ermm:

BMXers who have never been trials riders tend to use rubbish pads though i've found. :ermm:

I tried the heatsink honigs in V, were real nice but not really as much modulation as i would have wanted and did funny things to my chrome, you're running black rims though so could try them if you want an instant lock. I'm now using V Fly's and although there's not quite as much lock as the heatsinks i prefer them so far.


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  Simon said:

There is like a handfull of people on here that ride BMX, and even less that actually have the knowledge to answer that properly with good advice based on real life experiences. Have you not thought to visit a BMX forum? :ermm:

Yes I thought of that then remebered BMXers tend to think Koolstops are the bess's kness and dont have a clue about trials specific pads.

I want a grabby brake for abbucas and fufanus everything else Ive got used to brakeless. I will only use the brake when I really have to, either the above moves or stopping.

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  Michael Hardman said:

Yes I thought of that then remebered BMXers tend to think Koolstops are the bess's kness and dont have a clue about trials specific pads.

Too true.

some bmxers I know biked over to my village, to use our 'skatepark' and one of them was using Kool Stopps on a chrome Supra E rim, with a fly brake,

Worked really well actually, squealed as much as my Plaz, but still locked!

Ever thought of the Plaz CRV's? :ermm:

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I feel qualified to answer here as i went through this two weeks ago.I know Mason who owns Custom Riders and so i feel his advice can be taken as very good advice.He recommended the Odyssey 1x4 for my chrome rim and the Tektro 2 for the front black rim.

They feel very good with plenty of modulation on the rear but still locking up when you need to.Give them a shout on 0870 3308460!


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I know Plaz V-Flies are good I used t run them on my BMX but its been so long since I had a brake that Im sure other pads have come out, which they have and I dont know much about the new stuff. I was trying to work out if there is anythingb etter out there than V Flies for a BMX.

Id get the CRV's but ther eout of stock everywhere, if anyone can find them then I will buy them problem solved.

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Hhhhmmm maybe it's just me but with exactly the same setup just bamming some heatsinks on they nearly threw me off the front.....and this is a back brake! :P With the 1x4's you could push them and they would slip. Meh...


  desire68 said:

I didn't know that Max,they seem to work well on my chrome rim!


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  rad2themax said:

Hhhhmmm maybe it's just me but with exactly the same setup just bamming some heatsinks on they nearly threw me off the front.....and this is a back brake! :P With the 1x4's you could push them and they would slip. Meh...


Not being funny dude,but did you fit them with the lead edge of the pad angled slightly so that it contacts the rim first(sorry if this is obvious,not teaching you to suck eggs) it makes a big difference!


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  Dan Clark said:

Bongo uses Spanish Fly's as far as I know.

fraid not mate i've used heatsinks for a good while now.

From using both for a long time, i found that for me, the plaz and heatsink pads have almost the exact same power. I couldn't say one was better than the other, BUT the heatsinks, with te metal backing, are noticably stiffer, and give a much more solid feel. For this reason i prefer the heatsinks.

On the front of my bmx, i am still on my first pair of heatsink red's, with no noticeable wear somehow!!! (thats after 0ver 10 months)

Important for either pads.... From experience, you MUST toe the pads in, or due to the massive grip, they will actually tear themselves apart over time. If toed in properly, they will work for a very long time.


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  • 3 weeks later...

k got a bmx as a lil sorta mess around bike and my rear brake is absolutly shoking....im putting it down to pads not set up have like a diacomp or summin brake with odesey cable in dirty harry lever, all works nice just doesnt hold brilliantly so gonna ry some new pads.....this is on a smooth black rim and i dont really wana spend loads, anything out there thats cheap and work nice? anyone grind there bmx rims any pads that work nice with grind? :P toed what this mean bongo?

cheers whiteboy xx

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Plaz V-Flies really do seem to be the shit for me, in all honesty. They modulate well, but lock when I need them too. It really is aaaaaaaall good :P Excellent wear rate too, I've had mine since I was a foetus and they've still got half the material left. S'good stuff. If you get the angle of toe in right, they're just as powerful as Heatsink pads anyway...

Whiteboy, if you do some simple setup stuff like lubing the posts on your frame before you put the brake on, setting it up with not too much brake tension, and stuff like that, most brakes tend to work better straight away (Y)

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  Onzaboymark said:

Plaz V-Flies............... If you get the angle of toe in right, they're just as powerful as Heatsink pads anyway...

yeah mark. i saod that the pads are almost identical in power. The diference is in the mushyness. ie: heatsinks are less mushy due to the metal backing.

That part of the choice is personal preference. As the power of the 2 pads is very similar.

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