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Stripping/polishing Of Parts

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right, I'm more than happt to try this out on my T-Pro frame, but..

1. Will it work on an anodised aluminum frame?

2. What is the finish actually like? Its hard to tell from the photos but is it an ACTUAL mirror finish and is it easy to get a mirror finish if I wanted?

3. Does nitromous work on anodised parts?


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right, I'm more than happt to try this out on my T-Pro frame, but..

1. Will it work on an anodised aluminum frame?

2. What is the finish actually like? Its hard to tell from the photos but is it an ACTUAL mirror finish and is it easy to get a mirror finish if I wanted?

3. Does nitromous work on anodised parts?


Nitromorse won't work mate, to get ride of the anodizing you need to get some caustic soda, mix it with water, dunk the frame in it, leave it for a few minutes and let it dry. Then you can do the polishing

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Nitromorse won't work mate, to get ride of the anodizing you need to get some caustic soda, mix it with water, dunk the frame in it, leave it for a few minutes and let it dry. Then you can do the polishing

Ah...shit. Nasty stuff is that. You can't buy the stuff can you? :ermm:

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It's a great job but take into account that having done the frame you will probably want to polish the rest of your bike (it's addictive) and you will therefore be dealing with anodised components. To remove the coat you need either a specific acid or sand paper. And from past experience i dont reccomend using sand paper in any form. Just a remark :) I admire your determination on doing the frame, I've probably gone off polishing for the rest of my life after doing two rims, a stem, fork, cranks pedals and a headset. All apart from the fork were anodised and it was an awful job.

Edit: also i find it is much quicker to use a polishing stone to do the preliminary polishing and then finish it of with Auto*... or Brasso (having tried both i find brasso is far better).

Edited by Inur
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Is it an essential factor to have wire wool called Hank for this process, or would Bertie do just as well? :-

well no you can just use a rag but it is recomended to use this stuff and a rag it just helps to remove the paint and saves time


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excellent mate im really happy and im sure jake is that people are benafiing from this well this is my bike i finally got it built today

IPB Image

the pic dont do it any justace and i hope to get some decent ones to show the quality of the polishing better

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rite mate

stripping anodised alloy, is dodgey.mr muscle oven cleaner can get it off,, but i have only tryed this on low quality anodised metal...another method is to sand it down with a low grade sand or glass paper,(about 800 profile)

the effect from the polish is stunning, you can get the frame to any level of "shine" the more you polish it the clearer the mirror finish gets....

so basically the more time you spend on it the better the quality....on the frame shown it took about 2 hours of polishing....(a combination of hand and machine polishing.)...

nitromorse does not remove the anodised material...

anyway contact me if you need anymore advice....

thanks and hoped that helped..

jake ansell(JP polishing)

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I dont think I'll bother with the frame now. Problem with alloy is that it oxides...and looks shit after a ride, very high maintence to keep it looking good. I might just get it powercoated a different colour? :ermm: Maybe not...I'll buy me a GU frame and do it with that possibily.

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How do you remove anodising from rims????? it is a silver megamo rim....i have tryed nitromors and it doesn't even mark the damn thing...i have followed every instruction i have had.....if anyone can give me any extra info i will be very grateful,i am trying to chrome the rim...and where could i buy the "autosol" from?? Thanks


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How do you remove anodising from rims????? it is a silver megamo rim....i have tryed nitromors and it doesn't even mark the damn thing...i have followed every instruction i have had.....if anyone can give me any extra info i will be very grateful,i am trying to chrome the rim...and where could i buy the "autosol" from?? Thanks


well, caustic soda is one, i use mr muscle oven cleaner, i dont know whether that contains "caustic soda or not, but it works... i leave it for about 15-25 mins and then its ready for the long hard polishing process..

remember if your polishing, always prepare the metel before..small scratches,tc

you can get autosol from halfords...

hope it helped

jake ansell(JP polishing)


Nice guide mate, i have a koxx that is brushed, will this work? im thinking not. :(


hey mate,

i have to say i have never polished a brushed frame... so dont take my word for it..lol

basically, strip the clear laquer of it sand the frame down with,800 profile sand/glass paper.

until the brush marks have disapeared,

then crack on with the polishing..

hope it helped, please contact me if you would prefer to have someone else do it... check my other post...

jake ansell(JP polishing) (Y)

Seconded....and possibley some hard wearing gloves wen using the nitro mors.....Its really nasty stuff..its a real irritant..my hands were itching for hours after

ye mate it is, i was once using nitromorse topless becasue it was summer, i splashed a bit on my nipple and it stung like a rite ****** for hours....

good advice,big gloves, goggles,and cover all your skin......

jake ansell(JP polishing) (Y)

I dont think I'll bother with the frame now. Problem with alloy is that it oxides...and looks shit after a ride, very high maintence to keep it looking good. I might just get it powercoated a different colour? :ermm: Maybe not...I'll buy me a GU frame and do it with that possibily.

if your worried about it oxidising, just massage a bit of wax on there, as already said earlier on in this post...

anyways, mate, all thing polished, look great so if i was you id go for it...

jake ansell(JP polishing) (Y)

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Great guide there, mucho help as im just doing mine currently

Quick question though, i see with the Autosol you have used the drill cloth thing, would it work just as well using a rag to polish it into the frame or would it leave it streaky?

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