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Removing A Steel Bolt

Nick Garland

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Right I have an Adamant A1 frame with a steel bolt stuck in it. Its not your normal snap, its at an angle. I have taken it to garages and none will even attempt it as they think the drill will just slide due to the poisitioning of it. I have also taken it to a lawnmower shop and they snapepd 2 drill bits trying due to it just bouncing off.

Anyone have any ideas of how to get this out?

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Is that a hollow bolt or just where they have attempted drilling? Where about's on the frame is it?

If it's hollow a rat tail file could help to seat the drill by chamfering the internal hole........

Edited by jake1516
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Easy Outs

Right im not sure if this is the proper name for them but i have always called them easy outs and a few other people i know. Basically its like a drill bit with a thread on it. You wack the drill in reverse mode with one of these bits in the end. The "easy out" will turn anti clockwise drilling into the remainder of the bolt, you will notice on the picture they are tapered as well. As the drill bit goes further in its threads lock tighter and tighter until VOILA your bolt unscrews.

Tool 1: Drill with reverse mode

Tool 2: "Easy out"

Tool 3: Safety specs (remember to stay safe!)

stu (Y)

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Well my dad and I have had a bash at it, we have half the bolt out. Snapped 2 more drill bits and blunted a 3rd, filing didnt work, chiseling didnt either didnt have a small enough chisel. My dad had the idea of grinding into it creating a small slot to remove the bolt.

The way it will be fixed is by using a "fake" metal pouuring it in, it then bonds with the alu and they drill and re tap, would a small slot significantly weaken the mount at all? This is a back up option if drilling really doesnt work.

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The way it will be fixed is by using a "fake" metal pouuring it in, it then bonds with the alu and they drill and re tap, would a small slot significantly weaken the mount at all? This is a back up option if drilling really doesnt work.

That would probably work, however it would probably be quicker and easier to just helicoil the thread when you have drilled the bolt out (would be a stronger thread as well then)

Edited by the judge
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