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Bottom Doesn't Stay Up...


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When I pedalup, I need to jump like 15cm higher than I normally would because whilst pulling up the bike, my body starts dropping down thus not allowing me to pull the bike up as high as I jumped in the first place. This is only to do with pedalups - taphops are better. No such problems when sidehopping or pedalkicking upwards. Only have this problem with obstacles over 80cm, which is actually quite small taking into account how high I get my body when jumping upwards.

Is this to do with timing or incorrect body movement? Having this problem for about 4 years now, it's the only reason why I cant get onto obstacles from a rolling start.

edited this, hope it's more understandable :)

Edited by Inur
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I was going to say it is to do with you disk as you and me both run rear disks, but then you said it has been like it for 4 years. When i first put my disk on, i had it set really sensitive, and it was rubbing slightly, as soon as i stop peadling, the wheel would stop spinning the the rear end would instanly drop down, as soon as i stopped the disk rubbing and made more movement in my lever it stopped doin it, and i could lift the bike up and gap properly. I think its to do with you needing to have the backwheel spinning in the air to gap or lift the rear end high.

Not sure if that helps. :)

Edited by wally
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