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i was just wandering how old you need to be to get a saturday job in halfords (bikehut).

my careers advisor said you need to be 15 for a saturday job but i also heard that because of thew nature of the job ( selling glues etc) tha you may need to be 16 or even 18.

have any of you got a saturday job there at 15, if you have what is the job actually like, hows the pay.



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I wouldn't bother going to halfrauds.....they were SUPPOSED to fix my mates bike...but they ended up putting a grind on the rear wheel,of which the previous one was fine,and they have managed to break his back wheel...c**ts

zoo x x x

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  zoo said:
I wouldn't bother going to halfrauds.....they were SUPPOSED to fix my mates bike...but they ended up putting a grind on the rear wheel,of which the previous one was fine,and they have managed to break his back wheel...c**ts

zoo x x x

But not EVERY Halfords is like that :ermm:

You just have a shite local one :P

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I'm 15 and work in Halfords Bikehut, the pays around £4.20 an hour.

In many people's opinions with Halfords, you can get the ones where the workers couldn't give a f**k, and you get the other stores where you get the experienced workers who care about the customers bike etc. Got a bit of both where i'm working.

So yeah you can be 15 to work in Halfords Bikehut, not too sure about age related sales though.

Hope this helped,


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  wardie said:

whats the pay like and do they keep you busy or do you just sit around all day.

also how did you apply.


I got offered it on work experiance.

It really does depend on the customers.

yesterday there was fook all customers, so me and Chris had nothing to do.

Everything was tidy etc.

Christmas is the best time to work. Working loads, overtime, bonus.

I got £300 before christmas, and £400 after.

Usually get around £155 a month working Saturdays 9-6 and Monday evenings 5-8

Keeps me happy :)

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  ash-kennard said:

on the train back from pompey, we were trying to fix your free wheel, but you couldn't put your pedals on so pip did it for you.

True, True i was there and rember it well, me and dan stole pips drinks lol. No effence sam, i dont even trust you to ride my bike let alone 'fix' it and i repair my bike anyway but still keep away from it!



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  • 2 years later...

Hey, bout working at Halford's, worked there since 2002 left last November as had enough crap from managers who were only a year older than me and working with kids who either didn't care what they were doing or didn't like working! It stressed me out so much, but I am glad I worked there! Met most of my riding mates through the store in some way or another! If you have the misfortune of becoming a till bitch then you'll have to just get supervisor clearance on solvents and sharp poky items! Just remember that it isn't a proper bike shop and you will have to sell cheap bikes to even cheaper people who ask you whether it's a good bike or not!? It's like selling your soul at times plus the discount is still rubbish, 15% and trade on car items, and the pay will always be the national minimum! Hope that helps make your mind (don't do it) :D

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I did my work experiance at bike-hut. It was Absolutly shit, all they made me do was build appollo's and do all the the jobs they were to bone idle, to do like climb up ladders to get very heavy shit bikes to build. Was not best pleased


Edited by dan_addison
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  nicks said:
If i were you i would not go anywere near halfords because it is the worst bike shop ever. ( richardsons for life ).

I'm sure your advise for a 2year old topic will be very handy for the topic starter... :rolleyes:

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hey i worked in halfrauds for 4 years and finaly moved to a real bike shop,

my advice is dont go to halfords. the money is crap for what u do, and the discount is crap aswell unles u have a car or looking for car bits and bobs.

i worked part time on an 8hour contract and ended up being the bike specilist casue the fultimer did not have a clue about bikes and then i ended up doing fultime hours on a part time contract becase you need to work over 30 odd hours before they pay you overtime.

for what halfords is as a company they are crap it is a money thing they dont care about anything els.

( funny thing is i am in my bike shop the now checking my mail and checking the fourm out and a customer walks in with an apollo bike and complains about how crap halfords is and that the bike was not put together properly lol )

if their is any local bike shops go try them for a job cause the experiance is better and the discount is probably also better.

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