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Koxx Bloxx Browns


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Right what are peoples opinions of koxx browns on a smooth rim? And before and numpty jumps in and says HEY USE THEM WITH A GRIND!!!!! then they deserve a good slapping because i know very well that i will have an uber awesome brake with a grind and koxx browns, but what about on a smooth rim? What sort of performance, bite lock modulation ect!



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I used them on a smooth planet-x bmf rim for a while and it was possibly the best I have ever had a brake working in the dry, I have no idea why it worked so well (maybe some magic dust on the rim).

The only problem is if I got the rim even slightly wet the brake didn't work at all which is a hazard!

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On a smooth rim i suppose they would be pretty shit, i've been running a pair on a ceramic and they were pretty beasty.

There made for a grind really but there is no harm in trying them on a smooth rim, personally i would go for ZOO pads if you want to be using a smooth rim.

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Am i missing something but surley softer pads would work better on a smooth rim not the hardist compound pads on the market :S ?

not really, just not experimenting enough.

i used to run them on a smooth rim, they worked astonishingly, but were amazingly tempremental and sometimes just completely slip out.

so i ground the rim, and it made it commitable in all weathers, just didnt have much lock.

nowadays im running one of the now 2 year old koxx blox with a heatsink red on the shallowest grind and it works amazingly.

just play with your brake if its not working.

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Right what are peoples opinions of koxx browns on a smooth rim? And before and numpty jumps in and says HEY USE THEM WITH A GRIND!!!!! then they deserve a good slapping because i know very well that i will have an uber awesome brake with a grind and koxx browns, but what about on a smooth rim? What sort of performance, bite lock modulation ect!




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