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matt rushton

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The engagement would actualy be alot worse in theroy. Becuase when you pedal kicked, one freewheel would need to engage, and when that had engaged, the other one would engage.

One over ACS ep's + One over Profile ep's (multiplied by the gear ratio for the 'real feel' ep's) = One over overall ep.

1/36 + (1/48)*1.5 = 1/x

0.0278 + 0.03125 = 1/x

0.06 = 1/x

x = 16.66

So the engagement would feel about 17ep.

But, the freewheel at the front won't actually turn, becuase the profile would be the one that turned, because it has little resistence so the chain won't move. So actuly all what i did up there is BS. And the front freewheel will just act as a fixed cog.

So the engagement would be the same, you'd have a heavier overall system. But definatly not more EP's.

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The engagement would actualy be alot worse in theroy. Becuase when you pedal kicked, one freewheel would need to engage, and when that had engaged, the other one would engage.

One over ACS ep's + One over Profile ep's (multiplied by the gear ratio for the 'real feel' ep's) = One over overall ep.

1/36 + (1/48)*1.5 = 1/x

0.0278 + 0.03125 = 1/x

0.06 = 1/x

x = 16.66

So the engagement would feel about 17ep.

But, the freewheel at the front won't actually turn, becuase the profile would be the one that turned, because it has little resistence so the chain won't move. So actuly all what i did up there is BS. And the front freewheel will just act as a fixed cog.

So the engagement would be the same, you'd have a heavier overall system. But definatly not more EP's.

That how to clear up a situation nicely, but what hes saying is true.



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Hi all (this might be completely stupid). But I was thinking today in school could you get a rear hub (profile), and a front freewheel (white industries). On a mod to give your bike better pickup. Has anyone tryed it.

I have tried that but in my expeiriance using a profile and a fixed 18 tooth sproket on the front is the best. using a good free wheel and a profile is pssibly a bad idea because when i done it my free wheel broke. i hope my advice has helped you mate. :)

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