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What Pads?


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well i needed some sort of reason lol.

A reason for what? the spelling?

if so, the Majic is because the work well = i.e. like magic, but we changed the name because it has MaJiC in it from MJCycles, the first 3 letters.

Edited by sexymike
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i've got plazmatic crm pads at the moment and they are pritty good, i just cant stand the squeaking so will get koxx bloxx next time. But the plaz's are awesum if you can cope with the noise (Y)

the squeak is the best thing about them - still there's no accounting for taste. I'd recommend the plazmatics on a smooth rim based on using them for the last few months. The only problem with them is that they absolutely do not work when wet.

oh, and I fully sympathise with anyone who gives up reading the brake pad reviews thread - it's extremely confusing cos its 90% reviews of heatsink pads that aren't in production anymore.

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I have some of the heatsink cnc coust pads, they grip really well and honk as well now that i took a couple of minutes to set them up.

My friend has some of these majic pads and i personally think they look ridiculous, the backings have been hacked into a new shape and have been done unevenly and unprofessionally. The material also looks like it has been pulled off a black trainer or some other type of shoe. There's a gluey finger print on the back of the pads and you can use the pads to write on things though because the "rubber" just comes straight off. i wouldn't trust them on my bike thats for sure.

coust pads and plazmatic crm's are definately my favourite pads of all time, they both perform about the same but the coust's go honk and they crm's squeal then honk.

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