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Cheap Copies

Trials Dave

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I think in some respects its a good idea, letting people have a copy frame for cheaper, BUT I think it really has gone too far with the Zhi stuff - F**king ridiculous in my opinion (N)

Nathan... :rolleyes:

In fairness, the Zhi stock is totally new (afaik?), and the parts are all different to other ones out there? The mod frame's the same as the Python, but that's probably just 'cos that was Zhi's signature frame (along with Craig, but it was his geometry he's still using). But yeah, Zhi stock:

IPB Image

Summat different?

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Its not just bikes trials this happens in, it happens everywhere. Its just the nature of some people, to leech of other people. Think about music copying, I bet you have done this. Is that not the basically the same as copying bikes. It just means that people can afford a something good. Not eveyone has loads of money to spend on everything they want. It is far easier to buy something similar to what you want for a much cheaper price and much more inviting. Loads of people do it becuase its much cheaper and you basically get the same.

But really, dosn't everything happen like that. People will always copy idea's. Take art for example, if picaso said no one else but him could do cubism. A whole period of art history would be destoyed. It just seems funny to me that your getting worked up about it, I can see why companies would get anoyed but perhaps they should just lower prices :-

Sorry i none of that made sense I carnt be botherd to check it.

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Its not just bikes trials this happens in, it happens everywhere. Its just the nature of some people, to leech of other people. Think about music copying, I bet you have done this. Is that not the basically the same as copying bikes. It just means that people can afford a something good. Not eveyone has loads of money to spend on everything they want. It is far easier to buy something similar to what you want for a much cheaper price and much more inviting. Loads of people do it becuase its much cheaper and you basically get the same.

But really, dosn't everything happen like that. People will always copy idea's. Take art for example, if picaso said no one else but him could do cubism. A whole period of art history would be destoyed. It just seems funny to me that your getting worked up about it, I can see why companies would get anoyed but perhaps they should just lower prices :-

Sorry i none of that made sense I carnt be botherd to check it.

Although ;)

Music piracy is just people stealing the music without actually paying for it. However, taking other people's frames that you're getting from the manufacturers themselves, then selling them on for a profit with your own name on them, is a different issue entirely. Music piracy is also more about the artist not getting much money, seeing as per CD sold they won't make many, so the more the merrier as far as they're concernned - with frames, it's just the company that loses out, basically.

About the art too - no-one actually copied Picasso's work, unless it was just a mass-produced reproduction, which you have to be allowed to do by whoever owns the rights to his works. Art movements are also generally more than just one person, and are usually shaped by what's happening in the place at the time. The main thing though is that the way that frames are copied is that they're virtually the same thing - whereas an art movement would be just using influences of a style from another artist to portray your own ideas about something.

I sorta see what you mean though, ideas are always copied. Notice now how the IP for the Dyson bagless vacuum cleaner has run out we're getting loads of them, and so on...

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There are no copywrite laws in china etc, its a problem that will plague any company, no matter where they produce their products. As soon as the far east gets one they can copy it and start knocking them out cheap as soon as they want.

If you want to stay ahead, you need to innovate and try to curb the copying either by manufacturing in house, or by agreements with far eastern manufacturers not to copy your designs for a certain amount of time, although that usually only stops the one factory you use, not the miriade of others around.

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