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New "deng" Frames.


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No it's not, you can the edge of the bottom of the 'F'

And I guess it's an 'F' becuase all they have to do is take of the bottom '_' of the 'E' for the Echo ones.

So they don't get in trouble ;)

Danny - I'm hating that gusset too (Y)

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more than likely. but if you can't wait till then take a look at Mr Ko's mod prototype. should be out relatively soon.


IPB Image

looks cheapish, and as if it was pretending to be more than it is. all the stickers and so on... nah... but imagine what a gu and python (and a booster from the team) would look like :wub:

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awful, another cheap copy.

im gettin really sick of companies producing good frames and other little comapnies just copy them, it really isnt fair on the big companies who go through all the testing of the frames etc which will cost money then someone just puts different stickers on them and calls it their own!!! :angry::angry:

its really not on in my opinion!!


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