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So A Random Question?


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good evening to you all

so a random question??? what is the funniest thing that has happened while you were riding??????

Well tonight me and me good mate John was riding and some random CHAV ran over to a car and punched the window and to my amazement the window shattered form this little kid, i was going to clap for this little man!!!

but as i am a reasonable young man it was brought up on me to call the local police that is like a 2 minute walk from where we where. Well 20 minute later there was no sign of any police ----BUT---- out of the blue a cop car turns up and by this time they had already sustained some one. So they asked me if i would kind Enough to go and do a drive by to get a visual of the guy and to say if it was the guy that did it or not,

sure Enough it was the guy B) so the police said we might get a reward YAY!!!!!

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Seagull shat on my mates bike.


But in the good old days of MTBing we found this ford (little stream with a road over it). And my mate decided it would be funny to ride down this sort of ramp which led into the steam sideways on. He went arse over tit stright into the water. He shot out becuase he had his mums mobile in his pocket and he wanted to go back in a rescue his bike which was floating down the stream. So my other mate decided to grab hold of the thing that told you how high the stream was (white and red thing) and grab his bike. He completly miss judged how hard he needed to hold onto the measureing thing becuase he grabbed the bike and pulled himself into the stream.


Never laughed so hard in all my life.

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well sorry mate was that young mr DJ R.I.P fellow trials rider :angel:


His name was Tom. But decied to get in a car 5 times over the limmit and drive down a very snow road, and ended up hitting a tree.

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once i was biking in norwich and i saw two PROPER CHAVS kicking in a bike in some bike sheds, and the next thing i new was there were two cops running up the road, so anyway the chavs ran off and into this random building to hide, so i went over to the cops and told them what they looked like and where they went, and about ten mins later they had arested the chavs and drove them off int the cop car which i found highly amusing.. lol adrian

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German officer "Vot iz your name zoldier"

Cpt. Mannering "Don't tell them your name pike! Oh bother..."


that is where i got my nick name from " DAD'S ARMY" :lol: l because i aways use to say stupid thing so my dad started calling me PIKE:lol:

and what did CPT.. Mannering say to pike most of the time "shut up you stupid boy"

Edited by pike64421
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it wasnt funny for me, but funny to everyone else.

i was doing a small drop off, my foot slipped, and i hit my sac on the toptube, and fell over on the floor writhing in pain. >_<

*as batman changed back into bruce wayne, but chuck saw through this clever disguse,and crushed batmans head in between his thighs!*

:thumbsup: :badger:

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