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Freewheel Sounds Bad :(


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My freewheel sounds realy evil, i can;'t think why, it's relatively new (got in november), and i don't go huge or anything. Any ideas (the only thing i can think of is that my chain isn't as itght anymore, which shouldn't do anything, or i've overitghtened something...)

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Its problie raped they put dictas on you see which break really easy i did mine it in about the same amount of time, its pedle kicking that does it.

Wack it off and buy an ACS there not expensive I think www.supercycles.co.uk where the cheepist for them.

Edited by Swize
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Don't get a welded one, I'm guessing you're running it on the back as you're still running the dicta which came on it, to keep the orignal ratio get a 16t un-welded acs, to go to a more ''normal'' gear ratio get an 18t un-welded acs.

If you're using it on the rear then ou won't need a welded one, this is because on the back, the lockring is facing a different way than it would on the front meaning the turning force which would usually loosen the lockring on the front tightens it when used on the back, it also means you can service/remove it if/when it goes wrong.


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How long will it live for seing as i'm totally skint, what's the worst thing that could happen...

I used the same ACS on the back of my bmx for about 6 years - the dicta I had before that lasted less than a year.

The worst thing that can happen is that it dies and you have to buy a new one - which is ok cos they cost nothing.

so. yeah, if its on the back you 'll be sound for a long time - don't expect 6 years though, trials eats freewheels much quicker than bmxing

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On the topic of freewheels, My hope mono axle has snapped and so naturally i took my hub apart to have a look, i saw the ratchet and it is absolutely covered in crap, along with the pawls also, if i completely cleaned it in theory it should engage better as it can go further into the ratchet? i saw marks post on the eno and it looked like a damn good idea.

Any info appreciated.


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On the topic of freewheels, My hope mono axle has snapped and so naturally i took my hub apart to have a look, i saw the ratchet and it is absolutely covered in crap, along with the pawls also, if i completely cleaned it in theory it should engage better as it can go further into the ratchet? i saw marks post on the eno and it looked like a damn good idea.

Any info appreciated.


if you're asking 'should i clean it?' then the answer is yes.

clean = good

i expect you should probably use a nice light lube after you clean it.

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WD-40 dries out straight away and running it dry would f**k it, that's why they stick lube in (sorry to state the obvious!). Go to your local newsagents and get a tin of 3-in-1 oil, that'll be sound.

You can take a freewheel apart but I dunno how much hassle it is with the loose balls flailing everywhere...

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