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Alun Goch

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Recently, the hate shown towards 'chavs' has grown loads, but do they really deserve the image given to them?

I know myself from experience that they can be really offensive, violent and real w@nkers at times, but there are people who dress differently that also act like this.

So, is it really fair to judge people merely on how they dress?

I am friendly with quite a few people who wear their collars up, and their caps floating at the very back of their heads, but they are genuine, likeable people. So not all chavs are like this.

Personally, I think that some chavs deserve a hammering, but it's not just them, and it's not all of them.

Some people are taking this to extremes and I think it's almost, if not equally as bad as being racist.

Let me know what you think, or of any experiences you've had etc.


(by the way Im not a chav before anyone says so)

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I don't really mind them, depends what they're doing.

If they give me any shit, I hate them.

If they give anyone else any shit, I hate them.

If they talk like uneducated retards, I hate them.

If they walk around thinking they're above everyone else, I hate them.

If they're theifs, I hate them.

That goes for everyone, chav or not.

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Well one of my mates got battered by like 15 of them

I had my camera stolen by two of them and two of my mates have had bikes taken from them by chavs so i'm rather against them... I've never seen/heard of any goth/skater/emo people doing this kinda thing... evry chav I have ever met bar one or two are absolute arse fisters :closedeyes:

plus they are given the name chav not just because of how they dress it is also because of how they act the clothes are just a single part of it...

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Well one of my mates got battered by like 15 of them

I had my camera stolen by two of them and two of my mates have had bikes taken from them by chavs so i'm rather against them... I've never seen/heard of any goth/skater/emo people doing this kinda thing... evry chav I have ever met bar one or two are absolute arse fisters :closedeyes:

plus they are given the name chav not just because of how they dress it is also because of how they act the clothes are just a single part of it...

i'm still keeping my eyes peeled for them bikes...have you had any luck? make sure you check ebay mate (Y)

as for chavs it all depends..if your a childhood friends with say 6 of them then to you some of them are going to be sound and not all are going to be w@nkers. As for people who only see them when they are acting above everyone else. Stealing etc they are just complete nob headed oafs (Y)

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I live very near two very ruff areas and when i say near i mean across the road and getting started on or abuse hurled in my direction is just another part of the day now. Me and my mates were started on 7 times in the same area and my mate was hit by three other lads because they shouted "who the f**k is that?" and all my mate said was "no one" they came over saying "you think your hard?"and one thing led to another and three big lads hit him for no reason they didn't connect properly so he was good >_< .

I think most of the chavs are soft but think that they have to start on people because of the people they hang around with. I don't hang around with chavs but thats because i don't get one with any of them that dousn't mean i dont like to be near them because a few of the people i work with at college are sound and funny but i couldn't hang around with them :turned:

But thats my oppinion.


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I don't really mind them, depends what they're doing.

If they give me any shit, I hate them.

If they give anyone else any shit, I hate them.

If they talk like uneducated retards, I hate them.

If they walk around thinking they're above everyone else, I hate them.

If they're theifs, I hate them.

That goes for everyone, chav or not.

yep that's true

especially for the one's in Heanor god its packed full of them

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i'm still keeping my eyes peeled for them bikes...have you had any luck? make sure you check ebay mate (Y)

as for chavs it all depends..if your a childhood friends with say 6 of them then to you some of them are going to be sound and not all are going to be w@nkers. As for people who only see them when they are acting above everyone else. Stealing etc they are just complete nob headed oafs (Y)

Well we've been told by a few people that they're up in knutton somewhere but thats the best we got...

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... to be honest i really cba with another one of these posts. I couldn't really care to be honest, does it matter? its like anything if you don't like being targeted and cant take any abuse then change. For example how many times have you been taken the piss out of for not having a seat etc... you just get on with it and if you cant take it then get a diff bike or what ever. No matter what you are going to be put into a category, goth, chav, emo, posh... just cant see why people need to complain about it. If you don't like it so much change and stop complaining or just get on with life like any normal person.

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My experience of chavs is mixed. The majority have been complete pricks, they shout abuse at us when riding past and threaen to steal our bikes, the usual. I had my old mountain bike stolen by a gang of them whilst riding through town on it when I was about 11 years old. Way back when I was really small two of them tried to steal my go-kart (pedal one) and I kept pulling and eventually a woman came and helped me. However, on some rare occasions they compliment me on my riding skills and come across as friendly, but thats rare. I know a few chavs who are OK, so I dont really know what to make of them.

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You have to take each one as they come, each chav is different and some are actually quite nice. You can't stereotype everyone just because of the way they dress. I used to have horrible stuff said about me because of the way I dressed but none of it was true.


I know its off topic but another girl (Y) , How long have you been riding and what bike?

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one good thing about chavs, they think they know it all...just do a gap or summat infront of some of them with bikes, then when they say o mate that was shit or woteva, as you often get, tell them to do it better. you'll either get "you bein cheeky" or a few laughs, then they're off...if you dont want chav leave to america, they dont have a clue what one is over there!! im mates with some chavs (after they stole my bike) cus they gave me respect cus i chased them and rugby tackled them in the middle of a car park, and belive me it hurt!! pedals to the groin isnt a feeling i want agen. try riding with a 6'3 big muscleman:P it helps!

Another thing is they always threaten you with other people, which i have a rather funyn story of chavs backfiring on it! i got called over by these two guys about my age and hieght who i knew where lived and there was loads of people around so i went over and one of them threatened me. i laughed and called him a dickhead, and he said (i quote) "ill call me f**kin mate and yule regret tht shit" so i said go for it. they were on the phone bout 10seconds and bout a minute later this man comes round the corner, grabs one of the chavs (the one tht phoned) and lays into him pretty well, and the other one ran off. why you wondering, it was my cousin lmao!! :rolleyes:

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I think what we're forgetting here is that there has always been a "chav" in every era teddy boys etc just every now and then they change how they pressent themselves and asbo type behaiviour always has been and probably always will be an issue, only at the moment its "cool" to do it! besides that i think that most of them are wankers, and the only way to solve it is to leggalise lynchings....

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