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Ok then. Ideas Are:


Get rid of the dotty thing

Only keep good pictures

Change font and colour of background

P.s i have read the post correctly!---- 'Hmm, I highly doubt that. Judging by your pictures your much worse than people who have been riding 1 year, let alone 5'

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Ok then. Ideas Are:

New site all together.

P.s i have read the post correctly!---- 'Hmm, I highly doubt that. Judging by your pictures your much worse than people who have been riding 1 year, let alone 5'

Fixed brotha! (Y)

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P.s i have read the post correctly!---- 'Hmm, I highly doubt that. Judging by your pictures your much worse than people who have been riding 1 year, let alone 5'

I meant you arent as good as someone who has been riding for one year, as they could do bigger/better moves than you. You claimed you were as good as someone who has been riding for five years which is how long people like Matt Staples etc have been riding for, and they are really really good. :rolleyes:

Edited by scunnytrials
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To be fair if your interested in presenting your media/etc in an upto date fashion you couldnt have picked an easier time to learn, Currently styles are definatly very simple and too the point - people have given up proving they can create hugly advanced and complex designs (2advanced for example) and realised that theyre pretty impractical..

Stick to something which displays all your information simply and effectivly.

Want inspiration:


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  • 1 month later...

IPB Image

another example of you being better than someone riding for five years? You really ARE mad!

Ive been riding about a month..and i could do that easy. :P . Were not "aving a go". Its called constructive critisism(sp? im sure there is another c in there...)

From Lee

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wank site, wank pics, and why is it that you both ride t-birds yet you say your sponsored by cleanbikes, wouldnt you be riding montys? dickcheese


I dont think there sponsored by cleanbikes...

Probably just put it on there to look "cool"

Templates should burn in hell :twisted:

Btw your "slogan" is spelt wrong, Many trials, Manys styles, This is RR Trials

Edited by adamtrials
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sorry about the alighnment my laptop is wide screen.

About clean bikes we sent a proposal to them we are not aficaily sponsored by them but we get free t shirts and discount for advertising them.

I have been riding 6months nearly, and it has been great so far.

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On the subject of new vids, i would like to announce that we should also be starting soon our tutorial vid we shall give you some tips on riding manly "manifesto" riding all good and smoove should be good for riders of all levels to get a peak of smoove riding rather than 500ft wall bang nd wow that was amazing but all i saw was a big wall no style so here we go.

You are confusing me here. You are making a video on teaching people how to ride when u can only just manage the basics yourself. (N)

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