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Mp3 Player Trouble


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I'm trying to delete songs from my mp3 player but whenever i try i get an error message saying. "cannot delete blah blah song the disk is write protected remove the write protection or use another disk" i thought it could be that the read only attribute was ticked, but it wasn't that. I tried deleting it through cmd commands, that didn't work either. Has anybody any clue how to get rid of write protection? :S


EDIT: just found out i can't add songs to my mp3 player either, it gives me the same error message. Don't know whether that helps

Edited by TrialsLord
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Have you accidentaly de-authorized your computer or done somehting similar? Has your player got some kind of read-only ticked somewhere deep inside all of those menus at the top?

no none of that, i'm really confused about this

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Tried plugging it into another USB port? Sounds trivial but might work.

Didn't work either >_<

EDIT: my dad managed to do it last night. He didn't know how he did it but he did lol

Edited by TrialsLord
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