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Starbike Hydraulic V Brakes


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Those v brakes look crap lol. But as Mark said, fair play for trying, they should re design it to make it look better and they could have some competition for magura :)

or you could take the best bit of the brake: the adaptor that allows you to run v pads and maggy pads too...

wack the adaptor on to a pair of xtrs or avids and your away...

or you could just sell the adaptors individual :shifty: seems like theres interest...

The advantgae would be availabilty! v brake runners would no longer be restricted to v pads they could also run all the good maggy pads too !

Hats off to the old skool company, starbike :closedeyes::)

Edited by jersey rider
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or you could take the best bit of the brake: the adaptor that allows you to run v pads and maggy pads too...

wack the adaptor on to a pair of xtrs or avids and your away...

exactly what im doing, im modifying a set of ultimate callipers, altho theres no real need to cos my brakes powerful enough as it is-more just out of interest really

The advantgae would be availabilty! v brake runners would no longer be restricted to v pads they could also run all the good maggy pads too !

we can anyway, heatsink make cnc backings that fit magura pad material, simply gotta remove magura pad material from the backings and glue them into the v backings, sorted

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Good adding to the topic!


Good adding to the topic!


Kudos to bumping it to shit-talk a post from 3 days or so ago? :P

About the V-pad->Magura adaptor, Janson did something similar for his brake I seem to remember, but with the Heatsink V-pad backings I guess you could just scoop Magura material into there anyway.

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