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Save My Sanity


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Im bored outta my goddam mind and i only been here an hour, only 7 and a half hours to go (N)

Sat in an office all day by myself, its dead and i got no one for company and nothing to do. got my bike with me cos going riding after work and that has lost its interest already, trackstanding etc gets very dull very quick.

Someone please help save my insanity

Edited by fruitbat
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haha i wish i could leave but as you will know life isnt that simple (N)

As for games i have played most of them on the nights where i have been here till 10 so they are all old games to me and im pretty bored of them. Unless someone has new games. i have gone through everything on ebaumsworld. colegehumour.com has lost its interest and many other similar sites

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i work for an answering service, basically answering phones for our clients when they are busy. Shite job but it pays and its a secure job

lol Peter too right office jobs make you fat and lazy, its done just that to me

and derf. If i could go to pub i would be there but i got to 2 problems. no one will be here to answer any calls(only had 3 in an hour and a half) and i cannt afford it, so im stuck to finding useless things to do

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i work for an answering service, basically answering phones for our clients when they are busy. Shite job but it pays and its a secure job

lol Peter too right office jobs make you fat and lazy, its done just that to me

and derf. If i could go to pub i would be there but i got to 2 problems. no one will be here to answer any calls(only had 3 in an hour and a half) and i cannt afford it, so im stuck to finding useless things to do

Call divert to your mobile?

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haha good idea, we have done that before when the systems crashed but there are a couple of problems with that

i wouldnt have our call scripter software which scripts the companys procedures (the company which i am answer the call for) some of them aint easy as we have a few legal companies and estate agents and software companies etc. Also i wouldnt know who was coming through unless i memorised every single number....which i am not doing, lol

The pub is still sounding a good idea though. (Y)

And just to think, there is a bleeding fun trial not but 8 miles away that i could be at, gutted

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Bike + computer + office + alone :-

as for the porn bring in a mem. stick as you can acess the file but if anyone trys to re veiw it they cannot access the file because its source will have be removed by you leaving and have the file name the same as a song or something like that! lol

if not just gap in between some desks lol

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haha good idea, we have done that before when the systems crashed but there are a couple of problems with that

i wouldnt have our call scripter software which scripts the companys procedures (the company which i am answer the call for) some of them aint easy as we have a few legal companies and estate agents and software companies etc. Also i wouldnt know who was coming through unless i memorised every single number....which i am not doing, lol

The pub is still sounding a good idea though. (Y)

And just to think, there is a bleeding fun trial not but 8 miles away that i could be at, gutted

dude get a palm top/pocket pc and transfer what ever files your procedure are in to it... go to pub divert calls to a cell.... when its needed use the palm top/pocket pc and tell every 1 in the pub to keep it down so no-one will know (or toilets are quite too) :lol:

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