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Trials-forum Free Video Hosting


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TF has bought up some potentially dodgy, unreliable hosting, but we'll give it our best shot. For this reason before we start make sure you have a backup of any files that you upload!

You will have pretty much unlimited space, and there is no limit on file size. The only limits are that this hosting is for Trials videos (or trials like - eg bmx) - that means no hosting web sites, html files, images, files for your mates ...porn etc. If you do upload these files, your account and files will be deleted without notice as soon as they're found (which won't take long as they will stick out like a sore thumb). You will not recieve another account.

The reason for this is that we are limited on CPU time on the server, and hosting unneccesary files will take up precious CPU time which could be used serving videos.

Getting an Account

To host files you will need your own FTP account, to get one email hosting@trials-forum.co.uk with the following details.

Subject: Hosting request for [TF username]


User: [TF Username]

Pass: Desired Password (no dictionary words)

Thats it. I'll email you back with the login details when your account has been set up.

Logging In

You will be able to log into the server using the following FTP details

Server: ftp.tupload.net

Username: [tf][TF Username] (eg tftomturd)

Password: The one you asked for

Uploading Files

Once logged in, upload the video(s) to [tf][TF Username].tupload.net directory. (eg tftomturd.tupload.net)

Linking to Files

Once the file is uploaded you will be able to link it using http://[tf][TF Username].tupload.net/VideoName.wmv (eg http://tftomturd.tupload.net/VideoName.mpg)

You must link directly to the file. If you link to your subdomain only, without specifying the file name you will get redirected back to TF. The same will happen if you link to a file which does not exist, or a file which is not a movie file.

THE SUBDOMAIN MAY TAKE UP TO 24 HOURS TO START WORKING! (but you can still upload files ready for when it does)

I'll tidy this up and add a FAQ as the questions start coming in.

How to get your account deleted

1. Upload files which arent trials-forum videos

2. Mess with/Delete the .htaccess (if you can see it) file within your directory.


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