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Just wondering which disks people use to grind their rims. I bought a Bosch grinder today from B&Q and I have got two disks. One is a metal grinding disk, and the other one is a metal cutting disk. I haven't ground it yet and I was just wondering which disks you all use.

Cheers guys (Y) .

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I have two disks I tried:

The Metal Grinding disk which was good for permanent grinds that would lasta long time although it did look a bit messy!


Very course sandpaper disk. It does sound odd but I wanted a fairly light grind and this did the job perfectly. It was very easy to control and made a lovely tidy job.

I would not recommend a metal cutting disk though because it is a lot harder to carefully control and one slip and your done for.

Hope this helps (Y) .

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  monty rider said:

Hi, If you are using ZOO Pads why don't you Grind your Rim as you usually would, And then Sand it until your happy with how light you want it. :)

Thats what I did when i had ZOO Pads and it worked a treat and the Pads lasted a long time. (Y)

Cheers Phil

That sounds like a really good idea mate, I will give it a go tomorrow I think (Y)

to get a soft grind blunten you disk first and go light if you are going to use zoo pads mines work well

How would I blunten the disc?

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  mike said:

Or get your mits on a lump of tar, and try that, (Y)(Y) but i wouldn't really ues a harsh gring with Zoo pads. (N)


I have got enough tar to re-surface my driveway :P . I don't really want to use tar at the moment because it is always raining and in my eyes tar is a summer thing... like sun cream.

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Use metal grinding disc only. To blunten your disc get an old bit of metel and grind it for a while to make the edge round. Them hold your grinder as flat to the rim as posible to avoid digging into the rim and go lightly to get a light finish this wont take too much off the rim. Can i ask what rim is it? If you want a really rough finish leave the disc sharp and hold the angle about 45* but will take alot of metel away. Hey i used to be a welder.

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  Jaffacakes said:

I have got enough tar to re-surface my driveway :P . I don't really want to use tar at the moment because it is always raining and in my eyes tar is a summer thing... like sun cream.

Is that so? i don't suppose if i send you a stamped adressed envelope you would be kine enough to throw a few lumps of tar in it fro me and send them back to me? :-:- i'll send a couple of quid aswell. add me on msn mate!


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tar can be quite handy but i rarely use it, just becoz i know that i can achieve good braking without it. just get urself a decent rim and a dcent set of brakes, at the moment for the back brake im running an avid single digit 7 with a carbon brake booster, heatsink pads and a oddessy linear slick cable... uber amounts of power, very impressed.

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I have just ground my rim so I thought i would just post it up to show off :P I know its not my Echo rim, I haven't done that just yet so here was my practice run. I used a metal grinding disk and put it at about a 30 degrees angle to the rim and moved it quite fast so I did a really soft grind for my pads. Here is the finished product (Y) .

IPB Image

IPB Image

Is that so? i don't suppose if i send you a stamped adressed envelope you would be kine enough to throw a few lumps of tar in it fro me and send them back to me? i'll send a couple of quid aswell. add me on msn mate!

Yes I could, Just send a envelope with a envelope inside (you know what i mean) I'll give you my address on MSN.

Its a one off BTW im not making a buisness its far too much hassle :P .

Edited by Jaffacakes
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