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Disposing Of Live Ammunition

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Ive got a gun shop down my local high street, (i think :S) shows the mentality of people round here

was going to say exactly what terror error did, lock it up in a vice and hit it really hard with a pick axe preferably with some leverage so you can stand a little bit back!

but yea they could be worth something the cops prob only sell it off to gangstas anyway lol

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try and sell them :P(Y):):rolleyes:^_^:turned:B):D (<<<bit over the top)

also what the hell is a newtons cradle? :S


It's one of those things with the small balls on string, were you flick one and the one on the other side goes up and down,and it keeps doing the same thing for ages. Sorry it's not a very good description.

I would take it to the police or a gun shop and try to trade it in.

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Id just chuck to be honest (make sure no one else will get it) Because if you hand in to cops, first they will ask is

'Why do you have this'

Explanation? 'Yeah i was looking at them for scientific research' wont work (N):( Seriously, even though you will have done them a favour, the cops will not stop harrassing you for ages. You might be included in cases because you 'have access to firearms' :huh:

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try and sell them :P(Y):):rolleyes:^_^:turned:B):D (<<<bit over the top)

also what the hell is a newtons cradle? :S


like a ball hitting another ball and transphering its energy, to quote onzaboymark "ow, my balls just did that whole newtons cradle thing again" this happens alot, this leads me to believe mark has saggy scrot syindrome.

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like a ball hitting another ball and transphering its energy, to quote onzaboymark "ow, my balls just did that whole newtons cradle thing again" this happens alot, this leads me to believe mark has saggy scrot syindrome.

Problems of being hung like a horse, I guess. Still, you dig it.


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There's no halm in keeping it you know, as long as its safe, i have live SA80 rounds in my draw, they have been there for 6 years now.

So you can either keep it SAFE, or hand it in, best for the police to collect it, then they won't think it's yours.

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