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What Do You Really Love?


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I enjoy accomplashing something easily that only weeks before I could not do. Also I find it quite funny how random people come up to us when we are riding (usually about 30 people a day in the summer) and ask why our "BMX" bikes have got no seat, and how other people (generaly rude boys) shout "oil your breaks dick head!" or "giza go on you bike".

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i know what you mean but your a total sheep

im a sheep for having an opinion? oh yes sorry, because everyone else loves the feeling of achievement, im not allowed to feel it without copying, holy shit sorry-i didnt realise this was a forum, i wasnt supposed to comment on what i love about riding like the topic says, how foolish of me...

f**king twat :sleeping:

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Yes i agree with the person who made this topic (Y) gaps and ups i love ! becaus esometimes stuff that in my mind iam telling myself i can not do,if itry them,sometimes i can,and im like :Dlol

zoo x x x

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for me its the rush of doing something bigger, and........even though it sounds stupid.....i think i have become addicted to the ssssccccrrrreeeeecccccchhhhhhh of the maggie with a fresh grind...

it really gets me going hyper when i hear the sound oooohhhhhh yeesssssss lol

fat jake

my favorite thing was when i got asked for my autograph by a little kid of about 7 after he told me i was the best bmxer he had ever seen :D

and watching chavs try what i just done and stacking :lol:


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- When you do something and you nail it perfect and you feel in total control of your bike.

- When you do something and you nail it mega sketchy and you are right on the edge of losing it, but you pull it back

- When your on a ride and somebody does something and everybody just stops and goes 'WTF!! that was nuts!'

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The fact that when I ride freeride or dh theres always something to prove or show off about. Unless you go massive or fast or throw all 4 limbs off the bike you're rubbish. And any other discipline dictates that you should have the best bike that cost £kkkkks but with trials as long as its got a decent rear brake and hub, you're pretty much laughing. Doesn't have the competitive element that the others do, doesn't have to have the latest equipment, and its not like throwing yourself off a big old cliff with 3 feet of travel both ends, landing hard and saying you have skills.

Oh, and I can roll out of my driveway and practise without having to travel miles to the trails

At the party of bike riders, trials riders are the stragglers at the end

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