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Problems With Foums


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..*a random PC crash later :angry:

Before I start, I want to point out that I do not know this guy, where he lives etc. Ive not even clicked on his profile. But the way I see it, is that he is in no way saying:

'The moderators on here are useless'

'His ban was unfairly dealt'

Firstly this

Don't get me wrong not everyone, but loads, of "people" on this forum either post stupid irrelevant (try the search button and there's no need to post new) topics

Who can honestly say that they have never said 'Use component X because I do and its never failed me'?

(obviously not "component X" thats just ...yeah whatever :P:D ) I know Im guilty of it and I can probably write a list of everything I've promoted

Although it is slightly arrogant of him to say that nobody is allowed to tell stories, thats the bit which made me :S a little. If no one says that they've found a cure for dicta freewheel skipping, then everyone will buy eno's + ACS's (again thats another example, don't dare quote me :P )

And finally I don't understand how ANYONE can argue with this

but when offering advice on medical issues or frame issues no one ever seems to put IN MY OPINION

When telling people about your thoughts, I feel it is VITAL to stress that it is opinion and NOT fact. For example:

Chris kings ARE sh!t

In my experiance I have found Chris Kings to be sh!t

Two very different sentance meanings there. The latter is what MesaMan is suggesting because its more truthful. Posting false information should be illegal imo but meh lol :lol:

Please do not say that im gay or whatever, because this is what I think, I don't think its fair that everyone is ganging up either. If you don't agree with what he is saying, then that's fine, no one can force opinion. Im just explaining my thoughts on the subject in hand

Thank you

*awaits onslaught :P:D

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partz, read the rest of the first post! Im guessing you didnt get all the way to the end.

Otherwise ive said my bit so i'm staying out of it :)

In all honesty I did read it...but im a bit retarded so I think I forgot :$

Yeah I don't think Ill reply now, best option lol

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In regards to my reply - I knew that the word would come out with asterisks on so what's the problem? Also I would never think of having the word "turd" in my name - I mean come on, 21?

Well, I'm 17. I was always under the impression my internet name was literal and that I was actually a circus.

Well today, I am going to look into your name; "MesaMan".

Well to start we have "Mesa", let me whack that into Wikipedia.

and we get the answer;

A mesa (Spanish for "table") is an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs. It takes its name from its characteristic table-top shape.

It is a characteristic landform of arid environments, particularly the south-western United States and is generally formed when land has been uplifted by tectonic activity and then exposed to erosion.

Now, lets do the same with the second part of your internet alias, "Man"

A man is a male human adult, in contrast to an adult female, which is a woman. The term man (irregular plural: men) is a term used to indicate either a person generally, or a male person specifically.

Now, when these two words are combined (to form "MesaMan") you imply that you, as a male, are composed of, "an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs.". The overall conclusions I have come to are;

  • You are composed of "an elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs." However, this seems fairly unlikely due to the diffuculty that steep cliffs and inanimate objects often have with operating computers.
  • Internet aliases are simple jumbles of words that usually have no "deeper meaning".
  • Looking into people's screen-names is a pointless and childish exercise. Perhaps I should try basing my argument on something more substantial.

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oh my god this just gets worse

For one Mr Mesaman you moan about useless and pointless posts (or something to that degree) and im pretty sure this is as useless and pointless as a post can get.

Get a life...get a girlfriend...get a dog...just get something else to keep you occupied.

The mods do keep this place going. without them i don't think this would be anywhere near the forum it is!

BTW not to be picky but im pretty sure you complained about young kids with single syllable words etc, just to pick up on your grammer....Forum is spelt F O R U M....not F O U M as per your topic title. Not a great start (N)

I've had my moan, i'm off to claw my eyes out now

Edited by fruitbat
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I cant belive you let this bother you so much, why do we have post SENSIBLE stuff, i think the forums a good laff sum times, and if we all posted just an answer to everyones questions it would be pretty shit.

That's because you post absolute shite in just about every post you make.

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