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Problems With Foums


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Reading some absolutely ridicules posts over the last errr forever and it's really getting to me now. I subscribe and post in several forums ranging from bodybuilding to football to trials etc and have never come across such stupid, foolish, over opinionated people/kids.

Don't get me wrong not everyone, but loads, of "people" on this forum either post stupid irrelevant (try the search button and there's no need to post new) topics, or reply with the most half baked "I know what I'm talking about" (even though they clearly don't) answers.

An example:

Some new/young members ask simple questions that have a simple answer. One or two replies and it "should" be answered with a correct and satisfactory reply. However there appears to be a trend that means instead of a quick simple answer some people seem to come up with something David Cronenberg would have trouble coming up with. Round the houses and out into space.

Another problem is that some users must feel sat behind their computer in a "virtual" world offers the chance to build an existence they are neither capable or intelligent enough to sustain in real life. This then leads to some more ridicules advice offered with conviction and authority as to be believed. This may be fine when peoples mums/girlfriends/wife's come home to a dishwasher full of WD40 covered disc rotors (after all a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate fixes most female problems ;)), but when offering advice on medical issues or frame issues no one ever seems to put IN MY OPINION. This can be dangerous and/or expensive.

The other problem is not just the people who reply to topics, it's the people posting them in the first place. After such stupid replies to the post they then willingly go off and try "insert bad advice". How dumb is that?! OK so simple stuff may not be a problem, but as mentioned earlier some of the advice borders on the sublimely idiotic. Why? Just because some kid/one has offered that advice followed by "I do it" or "it works/worked for me". Well that's nice but your advice is that of a retard and saying you've done it is not imperial enough evidence for me to potentially cause expensive damage.

What's good advice to one person is bad advice to another. Given a problem there are nearly always multiple ways to solve that problem. Some are simple, some are extreme.

There is plenty of good advice on this forum yes, I have benefited myself from some. But I know when advice is ridicules/worthless and have the ability to think before I act.

Q. "How do I pedal kick?"

A. "Practice"

WOW you should write to the Noble Foundation" and ask for a new prize called the "Most useless piece of information to mankind".

Note to anyone who can't pedal kick - practicing only reinforces the neural pathways and muscle memory - doing it wrong only means you've learnt/learning it wrong.

A personal pet hate for this forum, and this reflects the views of many on this forum who dare not speak out, in the fascist way the forum is ran - is moderators.

I've spoken to many great mods that are helpful and polite both on this forum and others. (I'm actually a Moderator myself on another Invision board). But never anywhere have I come across such a dictatorship like community that seems to be ran out as much spite and personal gain. Don't get me wrong again it's the one bad apple syndrome. A good moderator ensures that his/her forum is inviting, active, and an asset to the community as a whole. Moderators also have extended capability to edit, move or delete posts never had I seen my posts edited to read something else, what's all that about? Maybe some moderators need some moderation themselves. A community needs to know the rules - they are clear on this forum, a community also should know and be able to identify the people who enforce these rules. Would the public be happy with kids running the police? I doubt it somehow. In fact I can see this message being edited/deleted etc by a moderator within maybe five minuets of writing it.

I expect that this topic itself will bring the rot out the woodwork, something I'm prepared for and don't care about.

The topics not to start a debate/discussion it's just my opinion, one of many.


EDIT: I forgot to add that I realise that a lot of members are young and yes I'm waiting for the "if you don't like it sod offs" but hey that's even funnier. We should start a new forum where you have to send a photo and proof of age in. :P

Edited by MesaMan
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Looking at your warnings I see that you've just come back from a 3 day suspension so I assume thats where the outburst came from. I also notice you were warned for 'spamming for sale/wanted' and that also that warning was removed 12 minutes later - sounds pretty unfair to me. You were also warned for posting

Don't bothering replying then you f**king miserable c**ts!

Being 21 I don't think id ever write such an insulting, immature comment, so it seems pretty rich coming from a 27 year old moderator. I dont think you'd ever see a moderator on here say anything like that (and if you did, they wouldnt be a moderator for much longer).

You complain of people making useless, uninformative replies. Well to pick out some of your posts I see you are also guilty of this - eg someone asking for advice on what rims to buy -

Should be yea - better than the TryAll I hear and I love mine.

Also someone asking if an echo hi-fi is any good -

I wanted one but settled for a pimped Control and that's awesome and everyone that rides it loves it.

Enjoy (Y)

Not exactly helpful.

I totally cannot see how you can say this forum is run in a fascist manner. I personally never lock topics when I feel people still have something to say (look back at locked topics if you like..) even when if I was selfish id just go 'shut up - *lock topic*, the topics are always left open until they die out and your opinions are taken on board. So I dont really see where you're coming from there. I'll put that into practice yet again by leaving this topic open...

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Being a long post I thought I'd wait for some.

1) Sucking up to better riders/moderators

The moderators arnt facist, they are the very fabric which holds the forum together seperating NMC from members chat so stop being a silly

Also in reply to Tomturd the 3 day suspension was totally nothing to do with the post - you did read it to find out what it was for? Or is this more speculation assuming you know more than me?

In regards to my reply - I knew that the word would come out with asterisks on so what's the problem? Also I would never think of having the word "turd" in my name - I mean come on, 21?

You picked out my posts in isolation another form of manipulating posts so they appear different (I especially love the way you removed the quotes I put on my message to make look irrelevant). If you bothered to read the entire post on both of them you would have context to what they are for! Do you want a 1000 word essay reply for every post? NO! Someone asked about rims, I gave my opinion, someone asked about the HiFi I have checked them out (so I have knowledge on them) and settled for the Control - the HiFi is meant to be "better" so by saying my Control is great means that if the reader had a brain they could deduce that the better one should be good. I fail to see how these are irrelevant posts. Grow up man I mean come on!

You've also got personal - something I never done. The removed post from the for sale/wanted was a joke and in any other forum would be taken as such - there were more than half the replies laughing about it, not moaning. The post I refer to about being edited was changed so not one word was kept original and was manipulated to make me look foolish. When I pointed out it was pathetic it was removed.

So another one,

2) People take a post WAY TO PERSONALY!

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You know you kiddies should be in school!

You're only going further to prove my point, if this is a useless post then what the hell are your replies? I think if anything counts as a useless post it's your childish single syllable replies.

At least Tomturds post elaborated his point and showed he's got a brain, but I've just read your last few posts and yours are worse than mine man!

oh my god How does a simple post turn into a witch hunt?

Still thanks for the laughs guys.

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Being a long post I thought I'd wait for some.

1) Sucking up to better riders/moderators

Also in reply to Tomturd the 3 day suspension was totally nothing to do with the post - you did read it to find out what it was for? Or is this more speculation assuming you know more than me?

Spam apparently, but take that up with Danny.

In regards to my reply - I knew that the word would come out with asterisks on so what's the problem? Also I would never think of having the word "turd" in my name - I mean come on, 21?

Are you serious.. 'You f**cking miserable c**ts' is still an insult, even if there is 2 astericks in f**k.

Apologies for the word 'turd' in my name, a name I used when I was immature as I was about 13 years old when I came up with it - I dont feel the need to change it. I wouldnt say that suggesting that I am a turd is particularly offensive to anyone but me. Eitherway im sure there are more offensive words out there than 'turd'.

You picked out my posts in isolation another form of manipulating posts so they appear different (I especially love the way you removed the quotes I put on my message to make look irrelevant). If you bothered to read the entire post on both of them you would have context to what they are for!

They were your entire posts, if you don't believe me do a search. I only looked back one page, i'm sure theres many more pages of vague posts you have made, the very thing you are arguing about.

Do you want a 1000 word essay reply for every post? NO! Someone asked about rims, I gave my opinion, someone asked about the HiFi I have checked them out (so I have knowledge on them) and settled for the Control - the HiFi is meant to be "better" so by saying my Control is great means that if the reader had a brain they could deduce that the better one should be good. I fail to see how these are irrelevant posts. Grow up man I mean come on!

See above.

You've also got personal - something I never done.

Id say your intial post was pretty personal. As admin I take personal responsibility for the mods actions, so yeah, you were being personal.

The removed post from the for sale/wanted was a joke and in any other forum would be taken as such - there were more than half the replies laughing about it, not moaning. The post I refer to about being edited was changed so not one word was kept original and was manipulated to make me look foolish. When I pointed out it was pathetic it was removed.

Not sure what post you're on about, but if it was a 'joke' then theres no place for it in for sale/wanted... do you see any other 'joke' being posted in there? Keep it in chit chat.

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Well having had a run in with the moderators myself, once Onzaboymark pm/d me to tell me a few points i realised that they do everything they can to stop posts getting out of control, and by doing those few things like editing and deleting post's is all relevent.

You see them editing posts may cause an argument, but the argument is usually a hell of a lot smaller then what it would have been if they hadnt made there move.

The moderators can not make this forum perfect as there is always one, on every forum there is always one.


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Do you want to keep going round in circles all night cause I only dance with girls mate.

Stop the slur campaign it's somewhat childish and tiresome now.

Thanks for everyones contribution....sorry evidence towards the post. Maybe I'll keep my future posts to either kissing others arses, ganging up on a member cause I'm incapable of forming my own opinion and feel that I should go "with the crowd" BAHH or offering shockingly bad advice - that seems to be the general discourse on this forum.

Still we can all sleep well tonight knowing that (for now) we still live in a democracy - aren't we lucky!

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Considering it's coming from someone sooo much older and wiser than me (i'm 15) your argument seems a bit hypocritical. I'll give you some examples.

A personal pet hate for this forum, and this reflects the views of many on this forum who dare not speak out, in the fascist way the forum is ran

such a dictatorship like community

This is two sections of your original argument. You then go on to say this...

We should start a new forum where you have to send a photo and proof of age in. :P

So in you're forum no kids would be allowed to participate in a forum about a sport that alot of kids participate in? Seems a bit odd to me, especially considering the statements above it....

How about this next example...

In regards to my reply - I knew that the word would come out with asterisks on so what's the problem? Also I would never think of having the word "turd" in my name - I mean come on, 21?

This is coming from the 'man' with a Mr. Men book in his avatar. Who's worse?

There a few examples, and believe me i havent taken your post personally..............I'm just having fun here. :turned:


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well i don't think many of your posts are very helpfull mesaman, you seem to try and cause arguments everywhere and i remember when you kept posting all over the place just for the sake of it being a post. It WAS VERY IRRITATING!! :angry:

To make a thread thats as usueless as this one is going against several of the things you said above, like being childish and immature. Wouldn't it have been a bit MORE mature for you to have pm'd the mod/admin that you have a problem with instead of plastering it all over here?

I get the fact that you seem a little stressed out, but hey this is an internet forum. It will have little kids in here and it will have more sensible people in here, as with just about everything in life.

And as for it being a dictatorship, maybe some people like the forum! i know i do, the only thing i can possibly think of changing on this forum would be for people to be allowed to put up pictures of their bikes in sites,vids, and pics. but even with me wanting this i can see and completely understand why it isn't allowed.

I don't think you have any right to go around moaning about being banned from posting and how everybody is immature with some of the things that you have said. Calling people "f**king c**ts" isn't really acceptable or appropriate is it?

i just think you need to relax about it a bit more or just plain go away, if you don't like it why stick around?

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Don't bothering replying then you f**king miserable c**ts!

Should be yea - better than the TryAll I hear and I love mine.

I wanted one but settled for a pimped Control and that's awesome and everyone that rides it loves it.


To clarify the 3 day suspension - Those posts are the tip of the iceberg. I've deleted several of your spamming posts and the ones they've provoked. Having talked to other mods I know I'm not alone. A friendly warning was given in a thread in the news area about spam and you took the piss. If I'd been able to at the time I'd have suspended you for 7 days, but I had to ask Danny to do it as my mod CP wasn't working properly at the time.

I'd like to wish you luck in your search for your utopian forum.


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I don't see how people can get so worked up and annoyed about a forum.

To be honest it makes you look pathetic and immature

and this thing that you seem to have with being older than every one else and calling us kiddies is a bit sad don't you think.

get a life :-

ooohh sorry I got personal

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