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How Much Diffrence Will Itreally Make?


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how much difference is bike length really goin to make on an overall wheelbase? i have found a frame for sale but it is a 1060 and as i am quite tall (about 6'4) i was wondering how much difference this is going to make compared to say a 1085 or a 1090? this will be my first stock bike so not being used to any other am i going to feel the difference of a few mm? as far as a mod bike is concerned i prefered a short one but i have ridden my mates bt raven 5.0 which is a long i think and i like the feel of it. not sure if this is relevant but the frame i am looking at is an 04 zoo pitbull.

any help appreciated



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Well i went from a 05 saracen with a wb of about 1060ish to a t-rex with a wb of 1085 and i could feel the difference but after about 20 mins on the bike it felt the same to me. So i dont think it will be that bad mate i think you should give it a try if you dont like ti you can allways try different stems ect to change the feel of it.

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I went from a onza T-Bird to a zoo python (long) and i must say you will need to get used to it but in the end once your comfortably with it, it is really easy to throw around and great for gaps and sidehops but not as good for bunny hops but overall i liked the change. :D

Hope i helped, (Y)

Bhups. :D

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