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How Many Of You Are Jobless?


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im at 6th form. hate it!!!!

the only thing i like is that i have about 2 lessons a day then just ride the rest of the time.


Same, Have like 2 - 3 lessons in the morning, and the rest of the day riding/driving lessons (Y)

but I work saturdays at halfords.

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Im no longer jobless, was for 6 months now Im temping as supply for schools, f**king amazing pay but everythings short notice.

Like today phonecall at 12.30 can you work here at 1 yes off I go, half a day looking after 1 child becasue he has a problem, playing games and helping him take part in lessons, £30 easy money. Was roughly 30mins work rest was just sitting there watching him.

Steady supply of it aswell.

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Im no longer jobless, was for 6 months now Im temping as supply for schools, f**king amazing pay but everythings short notice.

Like today phonecall at 12.30 can you work here at 1 yes off I go, half a day looking after 1 child becasue he has a problem, playing games and helping him take part in lessons, £30 easy money. Was roughly 30mins work rest was just sitting there watching him.

Steady supply of it aswell.

I could of sworn you were an engineer or something?

And im too young to work (N)

And NO to paperrounds :P

cheers andy

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Ha you bums :P

I go 6th form and full days aswell not like some of these 2 hours a day students ;) and then i work 18 hours a week at hellfrauds. Ride pushbike during the week and motorbike on sundays (Y) tis all cool

Full days as in 9am-3pm though?

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I am jobless, i wish i could get a job though so i could get new stuff for my bikes, most of my mates have jobs though.

There is no jobs that i could work around trials though (N)

Sorry, reality check. Don't be so f**king picky.

Harsh, but true. I'm currently a cleaner, and in my free time i develop websites. I doubt hardly anyone here has a job around trials, except shop owners, and thats bloody difficult. Some may work at a bike shop, but even then you only get a trials bike to work on every blue moon.

If a jobs there, take it, don't wait around for some trials job to come along, as it wont ever happen.

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