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How Do You Front Hop?

planet x alan

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It's all about control on your back wheel, you need to find the perfect body position that is comfortable and balanced. Go right back to just hoping on your back wheel, then put some pennys on the floor and practice hopping onto them then to the next and so on. Eventually your balance will become like a natural postition when you go onto your back wheel and it will be effortless (Y) .

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Well it seems that you have half the technique if you can do 9, so the most help i can give you is practise!

And dont hold rear brake, so you feet can adjust themselves.

And build up you confidense, so you put as much weight forward as possible, to keep you balanced.

They are a few little pointers, but just go out and PRACTISE! (Y)

Good luck!

hope this helped.

cheers wilky

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The thing with front hopping is being able to find the comfortable balance point to keep consistantly hopping.

As you say you can do about 8 or 9 so you've already understood the principal of hopping, all you need to do now is continuously try it, going further and further forward until you've got it dialled.

You quite simply will have to come to terms with the fact that you WILL go over the bars at least a dozen times learning how to front hop. A large open space with soft landings like a park or a field is a good place to learn. A car park is not unless you have an unusual fondness for seeing your dentist.....

A good tip for finding the balance point is; Find a slightly sloping incline, again, a grass landing is favourable, and ride down it, then pull the endo and start hopping. You'll realise that you don't have to go so far before you hit the balance point, and you should find it easier to hop. Once you've got it dialled on the slope, find something a bit closer to level, see if you can do it on that, then try it on a flat piece of ground untill you can do it like that.

One other point is to not go into the move trying to do as many hops as possible, but to try and keep on the front wheel for as long as you can. Front hops are just like back hops in that each hop is a correction. I've seen people who can front hop and do about one hop every five seconds because thier balance is so good they don't need to hop as often, just enough to recentre the front wheel underneath them to keep the balance.

Thats the best advise I can offer you as thats how I learnt them. (Y)

Good luck, hope that all helps.


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  • 2 months later...

The thing with front hopping is being able to find the comfortable balance point to keep consistantly hopping.

As you say you can do about 8 or 9 so you've already understood the principal of hopping, all you need to do now is continuously try it, going further and further forward until you've got it dialled.

You quite simply will have to come to terms with the fact that you WILL go over the bars at least a dozen times learning how to front hop. A large open space with soft landings like a park or a field is a good place to learn. A car park is not unless you have an unusual fondness for seeing your dentist.....

A good tip for finding the balance point is; Find a slightly sloping incline, again, a grass landing is favourable, and ride down it, then pull the endo and start hopping. You'll realise that you don't have to go so far before you hit the balance point, and you should find it easier to hop. Once you've got it dialled on the slope, find something a bit closer to level, see if you can do it on that, then try it on a flat piece of ground untill you can do it like that.

One other point is to not go into the move trying to do as many hops as possible, but to try and keep on the front wheel for as long as you can. Front hops are just like back hops in that each hop is a correction. I've seen people who can front hop and do about one hop every five seconds because thier balance is so good they don't need to hop as often, just enough to recentre the front wheel underneath them to keep the balance.

Thats the best advise I can offer you as thats how I learnt them. (Y)

Good luck, hope that all helps.


thats some really good advise and i have never, ever seen that written down, that should be a sticky in its own right.

also, OMFG, rich, your a senior member.

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Maybe just another tip how to do more is someone gave me a tip which is when looking at your front wheel you should always aim to hop backwards and if you keep backwards it keeps your rear end up helping you to consistantly re adjust the balence point

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