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What Is The Worst Thing Your Bike Has Ever Done To You?

LukeDraisey! :)

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My brakes slipped when i hopped onto a wall, and i fell off and cracked my head open, concussed and a baaad f**king head ache... thats the worst on my push bike.

And on my motorbike i went over the handlebars tryed to hop down a ledge and it stalled and i went over the handlebars and the exhaust landed on my melting my trousers and burning my leg to nothing...


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Had my hub skip on a gap drop, which made me go over the handlebars off 7 pallets :S . Also had a chain snap my weren't too good for myself, and the brake slipped on my mates bike dropping off a ledge, causing the bike to fly from underneath me and just my back to land on this ledge, which really really hurt.

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i have had a few. on my old mod (i took the seat off) i sidehopped off the top of a picnic bench clearing the seat bit and when i landed i slipped off the pedal and the back end bounced up and the frame hit me in the guch >_< and another bad one was on my zebdi, i hopped onto a planter went to kick to the other side, the chain slipped so i only just made it so i went to hop back off it and as soon as i landed the bottom bracket axle snapped clean taking a chunk out of the taper on my middleburn :o

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  wilky_mod_legend2 said:


With me its always my pedals in my shins, once i was gappin from crates, and sliped and pedal hit me so hard, i had fat coming out my leg, hmmmmm taste!. But i always get pedals so iam used to it now.


Fat coming out of your leg now that is disgusting, cool but disgusting lol :P


Edited by echo_olie123
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  LukeDraisey! :) said:

how do i prevent hubs skip? it sounds scary and painfull! :(

You cant prevent it from skipping totally. But as long as you use a good quality hub/freewheel and have it serviced often, then it should reduce the chances of it happening.

A lot of hubs skip during the bedding in process, hence the reason that people recomend doing a few miles of normal riding to prevent damage to the hub and lesson the chances of injury if it does skip. (Y)

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