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Czar Ivan 1100, Has Anyone Got One? Whats It Like?

zoo p

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as in the title has anyone ridden the czar ivan ( preferably the 1100 ) for more than a few minutes? because i am going to get one soon and was just wandering about peoples opinions on them. i have ridden one for a few minutes and like the feel, so i only want replys from people that have ridden it more than me. also which stem are you running? and how does it feel?

if you ride a high bb frame that is also long(1080+) such as the adamant a2. how dose that feel because i'm sure it will feel similar. so would also value your opinion

and when i say high bb i mean +50, as i don't want anyone telling me about 05 pitbulls etc.


adam heason

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I own one....i stuck with a high bb, inlike the wusses who tried for a day and didnt like it.

I LOVE MINE to bits....have improved 10fold on it...get one (Y)

U haven't had it for long yet Joe, it may change, i think i had my BT for the longest of the high BB people on the forum, and i have now changed to a control as most people know, and i have been improving sooooo much on the control that i did on the BT..........

If u get to try one Adam, don't be overwhelmed by the "oh it feels AMAZING ont back wheel" as high BB frames have there up points, but also alot of down points, especialy when it comes to Tapping etc

Thats my Oppinion


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i have had my adamant for about 6-7 weeks now and i love it, i have tapped 52", biggest i did on toxsin was 55, and that was lucky :P.

i can gap as far as before, i can sidehop higher more consistently. , i am better at hooks. in short i love mine to pieces, i wouldnt go back, its a love hate relationship for most though, like marmite, u either love it or hate it.

I love it, and its good on the rocks :).

each to their own.


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I have my Czar Ivan 1100 for a little more than two weeks and I love it. I was a little worried at first that I would spend the money then my riding would suffer. However after putting a couple of topics on here (check profile) about the frame, and high bb frames in general I decided to go for it. I picked the Czar over the Adamant because of the looks, the Czar has some very detailed machining on it and looks so nice, so I went for it seeing as both have very similar geometry. I run mine with the 2006 hi-fi low stem and zoo bars, and it feels just right. I went from a t-rex with 0mm bb rise and the Czar felt fairly natural from the start. Obviously its amazing on the backwheel, its nice for sidehops onto and over objects, backwheels, OK for taps, amazing for gaps to front and rear wheel, nice for spins and even manuals (the high bb makes it feel more like 1080 instead of 1100), basically the bike feels easy for most trials and streetier moves. I love mine, and my riding is improving faster than it did on the t-rex. I have made a little video of me riding it, some of the clips are from the same day I got it, the others are from a week or so after I had the frame built up. After the feel of the long stem had settled in, I was away. (Y)

Vid topic

Edited by scunnytrials
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High BB frames suck, I sold my Zoo 06 Pitbull frame because i had to change my tapping technique and all sorts. Gaps were good but arn't all gaps good on a 26? Low BB is where its at.

I quote CLS and Neil T

CLS "High BB is wank"

Neil T "06 did my back in couldnt tap aswell on High BB"

IMO anything above 15MM BB rise is pointless.

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High BB frames suck, I sold my Zoo 06 Pitbull frame because i had to change my tapping technique and all sorts. Gaps were good but arn't all gaps good on a 26? Low BB is where its at.

I quote CLS and Neil T

CLS "High BB is wank"

Neil T "06 did my back in couldnt tap aswell on High BB"

IMO anything above 15MM BB rise is pointless.

now i respect craig and neil, but to quote them on a thing like this is gay, its a topic of your OWN opinion, if craig and neil want to comment on it they can, but really please dont do things like that, you just look like a bummer.

if you dont like it, thats fine, we all knew its hard to tap, but ive adapted, and can tap ok on my adamant, 52" is a decent standard if u ask me.

but really, someone shouldnt make a decision on what bike to make just because CLS and Neil say so. that really would be gay as f**k

EDIT: i realised you posted your own comment, that is fine, but just dont quote two riders, its just makes u look like a bummer, they are good riders, but as far as i know both specced the geo for the new 2006 bikes :$:S


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Just stating what they have said, the guy "Zoo P" wanted to know what the czar was like. Not riding a Czar i wouldn't know but others and myself have ridden high BB frames and not adapted aswell as others. I on the other hand did eventually adapt to it but not to the standard i would have liked. Tapping to front was easy but tapping to backwheel was hard.

Having someone state negative comments is a good thing that way im telling my honest opinion. And i will tell you it now. I didn't like High BB, it changes your riding. That is why Deng, i do believe is stopping the manufacture of High BB frames in 07?? and going back to low BB. as the 06's arn't selling aswell as 05's did.

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