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Jonny Jones

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.... it wouldn't be the best quality for showing on a tv screen (especially widescreen). From what I saw last night, it was fairly good (quality), but I couldnt get it to full screen cos i havn't got quicktime pro or some BS.

EDIT:uhh, ok I guess you can, whats the quality like once its on tv?

TV's are better for watching low quality movies at full screen - summut about resolution n stuff .. gets rid of alot of the pixelation (?)

and it does look great.

As for the film well . . . . .


shrewsbury is a hero.

that super8 (what is that camera jonny ?) is the nuts.

all the riding was beasty.

the camera work was superb

and the edit was pro... oh and OASIS - JJ i f**kin love you.

The best biketrials film i have ever seen.

So TM2 sets a new high now roll on more quality releases (goddard bring it on...)

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(Y) Jonny awesome video from C and E Firth wish we could have had more from Martin Hawyes “the bad boy of trials” he so f%$king cool but he’s just to BIG for us SMALL people. TELL HIM Next time if he does a nice introduction will give him his f&*cking trailer back!!! :o Hahahah only playing!!

No seriously he deserves some respect as he really is so down to earth! Love Nicky G’s stuff just amazing balance and flow. Nice lines as ever from Pratt and Shrewsers.

See you soon JB peace out C and E Firth

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jonny - your super8 camera .... how did you get the footage off it ?

did you have to send it away for a conversion (at an extortionate amount of cash) or what ?

Looks like he projected it on a wall then recorded off that with a DV camera :)

Something like that?


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This video is the f**king balls. Stunning, I loved it.

If you keep doing these mate, you're going to make a name for yourself. In many years, these will still be getting downloaded like the BMX videos I always redownload after a format (Animal - Can I Eat, Road Fools etc.) This will be another one of them.

Excellent editing, excellent riding, excellent music... this is great. I doff my hat to you Sir.

Also supporting the DVD idea; I'd definitely buy it.

Great job! (Y)

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yey!!! :) Good video/movie!

Like it!

Fun too see all these people!


Thanks :) By the way, you're fit. Sorry :$

Super 8 stuff, yeah, I projected it onto my bedroom wall and filmed it with my DV camera. Im gonna get it properly transferred to DV tape next time.. so it will look less soft.

Cant thank you all enough for the comments, so chuffed you people enjoyed it!!

As for topping that.. im sure a certain Nick of the Goddard variety has some plans haha! Come on Nick, bring it on baby boy, westwood style aiight. ... or whatever haha!


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Thanks :) By the way, you're fit. Sorry :$

Super 8 stuff, yeah, I projected it onto my bedroom wall and filmed it with my DV camera. Im gonna get it properly transferred to DV tape next time.. so it will look less soft.

Cant thank you all enough for the comments, so chuffed you people enjoyed it!!

As for topping that.. im sure a certain Nick of the Goddard variety has some plans haha! Come on Nick, bring it on baby boy, westwood style aiight. ... or whatever haha!


so does that mean you have a projector also ? or am i being thick ?

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Yeah Ive got a Kodak Instimatic(sp) Super 8 Movie Projector. 15 quid from ebay.. camera was 5 quid lol! Gotta start somewhere! Maybe upgrade my kit.. see how the finances go this year. You can spend over 100 quid on a decent Super 8 camera, but its well worth the money.


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Yeah Ive got a Kodak Instimatic(sp) Super 8 Movie Projector. 15 quid from ebay.. camera was 5 quid lol! Gotta start somewhere! Maybe upgrade my kit.. see how the finances go this year. You can spend over 100 quid on a decent Super 8 camera, but its well worth the money.


Although that technique sounds really gash, it appears to have worked :P What will the quality be like from the company in sweden or wherever you have to send the film off to so they can put it on DVD?

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i think it just the server that playing up i downloaded 3 times, first time i got 10mins then after 20 and after that all of it lol.

not a ram problem (soz if this has already been discussed but soooo many posts to attempt to read) , i have 2 gigs and 4000+ amd64

ok onto vid

AWESOME not much more to say

Shrewsenburyford pretty smooth u could work on it though :P,

j/k luv you really.

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Well, what can I say that already hasn't been said?!

Bloody good video there Mr Jones. Absolutely awesome choice of music, it suited the riding, editing and filming. The section idea was really good, too. Especially the 24" bit, bloody awesome!

I liked the use of the old-schoolish Hip Hop, as I always have in your videos.

The filming was top notch as well. I just didn't like the projected bit (Sorry, I don't know what it's called) but I guess that's just down to personal preference.

Overall top riding, top editing, top filming and top choice of music.

Best video I've seen in a loooooong time, quite a bit better than TM1 if you don't mind me saying. Oh, the only thing I didn't like when watching it was having to watch it in QuickTime because I couldn't watch it in Full Screen. Nothing major though. :)

Looking forward to TM3 if there's going to be one! :P P.S, get another Stack vid out, the other one was awesome. (Y)

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nice to see riders from down south who I never get to see much and places I need to ride (saw LOADS of lines that I wanna do! :D )

Nice that I was in for two clips...shame you didnt get my crash though :(

thanks very much for that, very nice of you (Y)

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That's the best trials movie I've ever seen. Great job!! I love the first 10 minutes of 24" riding, the music is perfect, and shots are first class. It's as if I was watching the first Jib movie by Thor Wixom, fully professional! You really deserve an award for this vid (Y)

Its also the first time Ive seen the Coustelier bros on Koxx bikes, had a laugh there :lol: Pitty there was no street from Matt Stapples.

Shows you all as a huge community and that's what I find best.

Looks like you used a 3CCD camera. Great night shots also. Cant believe that was done on a Super8...

Edited by Inur
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