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I appear to be in the minority on here!

Work full time for a garden pot company. Moneys ok, hours are easy, i take home as many pallets as i want and i get the use of the van evenings and weekends which is handy!

cool sounds fun, i think the reason your "in the minority on here" is because i think lots of the people are young riders like 14-18 and are still in whats classed as 'Full time Education.'

So how many pallets do you own? i've got about 6 in my back garden but they're all in very poor condition! need to get some more soon but i go to an Industrial estate near me when i want to do crates, there are loads of crates there, litterally thousands because Wicks backs onto it (Y) Great fun but i need to go there on weekends or in the evening which is ok cos there's a spot light which comes on and provides great light for us and is great fun!


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only replace stuff wen u brake it. but try to replace it with second hand stuff (lot cheaper) (Y)

So your saying keep your bike till it brakes, i'm sure most people would love to but when all the new bike parts come you just have to own them, besides it'll get boring if you just sticked with a standard T-Bird or whatever you owned from when you were starting Trials, also it would limit you.

Your theory would only really work if you bought a really expensive bike from the future when you were entering trials, then by the time you get good your bike will just be being released onto the market... sorry to pick mate but it was a sort of stupid post.


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