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What 26" Beginer Bike

robo c

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I think alot of people here would reccomend an onza t-rexT-rex Click Here they are good frames, and a nice spec for begginers and will take you far. i havnt personally seen or ridden one, but thats the answer that most would give. hope thats given you some guidence (Y)

Cheers Jay

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I dont think the onza t-rex will be much lighter then the base. And depending on how far in your riding abilities you are i wouldnt suggest a bike so long, As not many beginners can handle the length Id say try and pic up a zebdi? or jst fit lighter parts to your base? Such as drilled rims, Lighter forks, a front single ply tyre...(all apply if you havent actually done them yet)


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  JoNnY__Mc said:

how can u call a base heavy? :S u might find by just changing a stem to something with more rise/length gives u more leverage making the bike feel lighter, this is much cheaper than buying a whole new bike.

i was thinking that my base was the probably one of the lightest trials bikes ive rode

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How much money do you have? dont over look the saracen 2005/2006 range there realy good.

But now that i have a t-rex i have to recomend it. Its got top notch components, excelent build quality, Looks fantastic it may bit a tiny bit heavyer than other bikes but the build quality and good components make up for this, besides its hardly heavy anyway once you start riding it you wont even notice the "extra" weight. Also onza have the half price crash replacement scheme so everyones a winner.

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I would search for a second hand bike.

You can find bikes in good shape, one to two years old which were the"state of the art" level, at economic prices.

The advantages:

High quality bike

Great brakes

Light weight

The risks:

Look on internet to make sure whether that model and year of bike had any defects or lot's of breakages

Look at all welds for small dark lines or cracks

I have done very very well in the second hand market. You can too.

Good luck!

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a base is 4.9 pounds last time i checked, which is only a bit over the average weight for trials frames,

and bases have good short geo which is nice for begginers. maybe some of the componentry of the bike

is making it feel heavy to handle?

maybe try a different bar and stem combo or something?

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for a good 26" beginner bike that is fairly light i would get a onza t raptor they are a really good beginners bike i used to have one before i changed to 20" it was a really nice bike aswell as being light.They are used by everyone even the top pros like Chris Akrigg used to ride one.

Or you could always go for a 20" beginners bike because these would be lighter because there is less to them and are alot easyier to ride and throw around If you want one go for a t-pro.

If you want to keep the base you could always just upgrade the parts on it this would be and easyier and cheaper way of making your bike lighter

Hope i helped


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  ned1 said:

just get a new frame, the koxx levelboss is light but not very durable, go for an echo! (Y)

erm a levelboss is incredibly strong, you wont find many cracked or snapped levelboss's, i ve had two, the 1st i snapped a bolt in and was being lazy so got a new one from the insurence, both frames are still running great after 2 years.

and btw they arent light lol, 2.5 kilo

echo control would be gud, really light and great geo, then just swap parts and upgrade some things, will be cheaper than buying a whole bike and it would ride better than a stock trex

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