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Shop Of The Year

Tom Booth

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Right...thought it would be good, To have like a mini award (but no prize) for the person you lot think have done the most for trials in 2005..

My vote goes to steve@ heatsink bikes....Hes spent so much of his time,money and life towards the trials scene in the past year, From day one hes provided us with cheap quality pads.

But now hes devoted more time to create a booster, cnc'd backing...and probably spent ALOT of mone in the prosess..And the pads being released now, hes constantly updating his pads/compounds...And doing this With A wife and child...The mans a LEGEND!! (Y)

Vote away then (Y)


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I will say.. Phil because

Phil not only is dedicated to running his excellent shop, but he is also dedicated to riding and it still baffles me as to why he is not a bigger name than he is. He also constantly updates his shop bringing better prices and an increasingly wider range of products, whilst still maintaining his position as (in my eyes) number one importer of deng products

Grats Phil Williams, hope you win :D

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You can't just go for "nicest bloke" though, plenty of people are nice, but what's that got to do with trials? I would probably go for Onza/Zona. They've produced some great products this last year and seem to be one of the most innovative companies about. So they probably get my vote (Y)

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How about the people behind the scenes at competitions like Dave bradley and his wife and Stuart matthews at essex and Terry and Wife at Hampshire and Barbara at co at Tykes.

Also the Biketrial UK committe, who held our first ever world round.

From Grass roots the international level, people are working hard (Y)

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I appreciate what both Phil and Dave & Adam have done, but I don't think they can be described as trials personality of the year. And here is not the right place for everyone to post their allegiance to either Select or Tarty Bikes...

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mine goes to Adam and Dave from Tartybikes

helped me out in a problem with another trials shop. also i've not yet met better service. keep it up (Y)

Tomm agree with you, but thats my word :)

id say rav from bt who gave us, poles, the chance to ride cheap frames with good geometry. but that was a few years ago

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Definatly steve@heatsink!

Hes a top bloke, helps you out where ever he can if you cant afford pads and he is VERY trust worthy! He trusts you when you have never met the bloke or spoken to him before... he is an awsome bloke and he is producing pads which is at a VERY low price with a VERY good performance!

Top bloke, defo gets my vote!

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