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My Ipod Mini Broke

mr ailsbury

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O.k. so my ipod mini died the other day and i'm now looking to buy a replacement... :

I have around £150 to spend so I was looking at a Creative Zen touch >>LINKY<<

Or maybe a zen micro >>LINKY<<

I don't know much about mp3 players so can anybody tell me if this is any good or not?

or maybe suggest some other options for me....

The only thing I know I want is for it to hold at leat 1000 songs and have a screen..


Tom :)

Edited by mr ailsbury
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My personal opinion is not to go for the creative products, way too chunky. The ipod nano looks good but if you want 1000 songs on it is £25 above pounds to you budget. I have heard good stuff about iriver products. Try amazon they usaully have good deals or play. As i say that is my opinion, go with what you want.

Joel (Y)

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Yeh it happened to me and i sent it back,

it took them about 5 days and i just got a package with a brand new ipod, different serial number and everything and also a reciept saying that this one had another 1 year warranty period on it.

I was pretty happy with the result

My sister did the same to hers.

Rang them up, told them its knackered.

Couple of days later they came to pick up the broken one, then a new one was delivered a week later.

Same as the others, 3 times.

Had a 3rd Gen non colour, it broke, i got a free Photo one.

Then the photo one broke and the guy i sold it to got a free replacement.

And on my Nano, I took it biking, it snapped, I got a free, brand new one and a £30 gift voucher with Apple for my 'inconvenience'. Not too bad 'eh?

Apple especially rock at after sales service stuff...

MY battery buggered up on mine, I used the form on the apple.com website and they sent me a parcel via UPS andI had to put my ipod into it and send it back. A week or so later they sent me a brand new one.

o rly?

i was only going on what i'd read , sorry

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apple never ever give free stuff away. they'll take a look at the player, say that you abused it and charge you for shipping both ways.. and you get a broken player back.

o rly?

i was only going on what i'd read , sorry

Yeah Janson unfortunately you got owned.

Don't know if it's different than in the UK but I've had numerous Apple iPod products, then been f**ked 'cos i've broke them (dropping, snapping, riding with them and such) and they've sent me a brand new one, with free postage both ways (a UPS courier coming to your house and dropping it back off there)

So actually they're really good, and no-one on TF has said otherwise with Apple's aftermarket warrenty's etc.


Charel for the win..

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I had a big Zen 30Gb thing and it was OK, but it was about twice the size of the new ipods, the touch is much the same size I think. My sister has a Zen Micro and it's nice enough (although she's on her third one - they all broke at the headphone socket and got replaced), but it's not really in the same league as the iPods IMO.

Unfortunately, iPod minis are apparently hot-property at the moment, on eBay they're selling for more than the nano :S I would probably get a Nano 4Gb (although it is slightly out of your budget I think).

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