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Callum Trialsin

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just got a little tip for all you new riders out there or even some of the older ones.

if you have a problem with thorns and stuff giving you punctures, but you dont want a dfferent tube because then you will get loads of pinch flats. buy a heavy duty tube and a tube thats good for preventing pitch flats.

get your heavy duty one and cut the valve out and stick it to the opposite side to the tyre tread (inside).then put your other tube in as you would usually.

then you have the tube with no valve to stop most thorns geting though and a tube to stop you getting pitch flats.

dont have to do this in both wheels just the back really.

add replys if you thinks this is a good or bad tip

Callum Hicks

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Yeah but arent some downhill tubes like 5-600 grammes? thats a ridiculous weight increase.

its not what you ride its how you ride (Y)

also have a sh!t before you go out that will make it just about equal

Edited by watto
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if your getting thorns, then 1stly get a decent tyre and secondly put liquid latex in your innertube, it instantly fixes thorn type punctures.

But seeing though I have NEVER got a puncture from a thorn, I dont bother as the latex cant handle big holes like you get in snake bites

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I used to do this trick all the time back when I was doing downhill racing and backcountry riding. At times I would have over 6 old tubes, glued to one good tube.. . Worked through thick and thin.

And, like that one guy said.. Maxxis tires, once I got a set of high rollers, said good-bye to pinch flats, and thorns didnt have a chance.

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i jsut use a maxxis downhill tube no punctures since aprill (Y)

Punctured on of those when the pin came out of my rim and into the tube, cut it up and did what had been suggested above my tube has got a slow puncture but the tube kind of seals it in, of course air comes out but is almost tubeless lol

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