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Perfect Set Up For Rear V?


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im running a rear avid ultimate with an xtr lever and xtr cable with heatsink v pads. the problem is this set up is not proving to be that good. i was just wondering what are your opinions on the "perfect" rear v-brake set up(pads,cable ect..). *im using a mavic 521 ceramic rim*.

cheer for your opinions(Y)


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Well i'm running a rear avid ultimate with XTR lever a ceramic d521 heatsink pads and a odeysey liner slic cable.

The brake is pretty rad and locks really well but it has no bite what so ever, I'm getting rid my ceramic rim now and getting a ronnie and having a grind as the ceramic gives no bite, i've tried every thing to make it bite better.

You could try cleaning you rim, I use white spirits then i wash it down with hot water.

Are your pads hitting the rim dead on and straight and are they hitting the rim at the same time, Just tweak at it i spent like 3 hours on my rear v set up and i got it so sweet.

I'm sure paul oliver will be in this thread soon, He will sort you out as he bums v brakes don't you paul :P .

Ben (Y)

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You could try cleaning you rim, I use white spirits then i wash it down with hot water.

Theres your problem, get some fairy liquid on it and give everything a really good clean with a good brush/scouring pad.

As for V brakes, I ran Plaz CRV pads for ages and they were faultless.

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xtr cable with heatsink v pads.

the heatsinks in my experience are useless, i have had reds and whites and they both sucked :( the only compound they have done that i liked was the old batch b yellow one-it actually worked

also, xtr cables arent all that great, the outers arent stiff enough, get yaself a linear slick or a nokon cable set, and it will make the brake feel far better

You could try cleaning you rim, I use white spirits then i wash it down with hot water.

white spirit is a bad idea, it leaves an oily residue, get some cif/jif stuff and use that, and wash thorughly, alternatively try a ceramic rubber-it really helps

I'm sure paul oliver will be in this thread soon, He will sort you out as he bums v brakes don't you paul :P .

Ben (Y)

theres a reason for that ben-cos they rock ;) just nobody seems to really know who to set them up properly so they say they are shit...

Try some ceramic specific pads, or stick some brown koxx bloxx material into the heatsink backings.


ceramic pads are harder so surely would be worse? ive never tried them though-i know bennifer used to swear by running magura blacks on his ceramic

koxx bloxx browns id imagine would be incredible-im very tempted to try them as they were the best magura pad out for winter use

Theres your problem, get some fairy liquid on it and give everything a really good clean with a good brush/scouring pad.

As for V brakes, I ran Plaz CRV pads for ages and they were faultless.

that cleaning method also works a treat, and finally yeah plaz crv pads are the best pads out for v brakes, on a grind or ceramic-spanish flies are very good too, trouble is plaz pads suck in the wet :(

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Like Rich said, using white spirit is your main problem.

It leaves an oil like substance on the rim, so the pads won't grip at all.

Just get some de-greaser on there (Y)

Deodrant works well too

i havent used white spirit on the rim , some body suggested using it but i personaly havent used it . ill try using deoderant though seems a good idea.



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im with pauloliver, when a V is set up correctly, they kick serveer ass. My XT + avid speed dial v is pretty good but i need a decent BMX cable as they are tougher, At my LBS rik(a guy who works there) suggested that i run a braided outer cable aswell, they supposedly run a lot smoother. (he uses XT)

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