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Tensile Urban Legend Cranks


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I don't like them :$ The old Tensiles looked strong whereas they look skiny and nasty, just my opinion, I'm sure they're the nuts but just look simple. :$ Sorry lads.

They still look stronger than middle burns though....

Middle burns are thin and look weak as f**k, but we all know that they arnt weak...

These new tensiles are just another way for tensile to make MORE money :P

The old ones were awsome as they were, but i soppose they could do without the CNC'd bit :)

What the hell am i going on about :blink::blink:

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How can you tell if they are strong from just looking at them?

Sure, they may look strong but the way you have said that is as if they are strong simply because of their look.

However if are are only saying they look strong and didnt mean to suggest that they will be just from their appearance then, my bad :)

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