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Hope Xc Freehub

Tom Booth

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Right lads, i got a hope xc today and the hope gease is wayy to thick (skipping a little and makes not much noise)....And ive been informed on how to remove the freehub..

Remove casette, remove the axle end cap, the pull the freehub off... and catch the pawls/springs...

To remove the grease im guessing just clean the whole ratchet, and pawls.

now for the question...Can i use wd-40 as a light oil lube? or would somethiing along the lines of finishlin xc lube be a better bet?

And then, Re-fitting the freehub...What is to be done here? just put the pawls back in, ensure there in the right place, right way up and put it all back together?

I know there was a few replies in a different topic, but i thougt this would be a better way to get an answer..

Cheers in advance


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I did mine the other day because i was having the same problems as you.

I pulled it all apart and got a tissue to wipe off the majority of grease from inside then sprayed some wd 40 onto a toothbrush and ran that around the ratchet and the springs so that everything was all nice and clean. I got a clean tissue and dabbed at the ratchet inside with it to remove any large damp areas of wd-40 that came off the toothbrush and then dropped a dab of 3 in one oil inside it.

I then placed the pawls back together with a little bit of grease on the hinge bit of each pawl, i mean a little bit! The hold all the pawls in place and pushed the freehub body with all pawls and springs present back into the hub, make sure you spin the freehub ever so slightly in an anti clockwise direction to avoid the pawls sticking out and tearing the little seal around the edge of the ratchet.

Hasn't skipped since and clicks much more loudly when its coasting now as well.

hope it helps dude

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Is there anyway at all of preventing pawls flying everywhere? Like put an elastic band around them when you can just see them? anything like that? Should be fun tomora morning... <_<


You can put a cable tie around loosely, note the use of the word loosely there :P When you push the freehub body on the cable tie will just move out as the pawls go into the ratchet. Although personally i just use me fingers to hold them in.


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I just pull the seal from the end of the body by the ratchet and use that as its a tight fit around the pawls and it has to go back into the hub anyway so might as well use that, once its back yogether use a flat bladed screwdriver to push the seal into hub abitfurther so it ain't rubbing on the cassette body.

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Thanks for the advice lads(y) I popped a cable tie round the pawls just before the whole freehub body was out, so that was safe (Y) Removed all of the hope blue grease ad put some ligh oil in....Works the tits and sounds mint (Y) Engagement is so solid :S

Cheers again (Y)


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