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Gu And Toxsin Mod Frames


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Someone in NMC has one built up and is really sexy. Considering swapping to be honest :o

As for the Toxsin, Peter B (don't know full name sorry) did a video for it, and handles it really well (Y) He's also making me consider that lol :S

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Wow, someone other than me made a positive comment about the toxsin! Yeh Im considering one cos I wouldnt mind a slightly stretched, even lower-standover monty 221-type geo bike, plus I like the look.

So are there any pics of either fully built up (other than the ones for the Gu on their website)? What did the guy in NMC say about his?

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Wow, someone other than me made a positive comment about the toxsin!

I had my doubts but from Peter Backgrens vid they look to ride awsome. Im not sure how much they are but i cant see them been as expensive as a monty.

Id very much like to try one myself (Y)

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oo oo!

I can compare the Gu mod to the CLS Python :D(and silly sam holmes)

All on GU- Gaps: similar

step-down/drop gaps: easier

Sidehops: easier

Ups to front overall: easier

wheelswaps: slighty harder

front-to-back swaps: easier

rolling ups(backwheeling):similar

Hooks: i cant

Thats the GU long, with same bar+stem set-up on both.

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Rode Mr Sam Wheeler's GU today and I must say it was awsome. So easy on the backwheel super easy to controle, Sam said: "not as nice as his python for downgaps but nicer for frountwheel moves".

Anyway I must say for the GU I was dead impressed .

Edited by samthebiker
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Rode Mr Sam Wheeler's GU today and I must say it was awsome. So easy on the backwheel super easy to controle, Sam said: "not as nice as his python for downgaps but nicer for frountwheel moves".

Anyway I must say for the GU I was dead impressed .

Strange :S i found my GU was better for drop-gaps

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