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Grinding A Rim, Is It Nessesarry?


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Grind: Pros: Locks well and releases when you want unlike tar.

Will last for a good time.

Can be used in wet and dry conditions.

(Probably a lot more pros)

Cons: Depending on what pads you have a grind could eat them easily.

: Even though a grind will last a long time eventually after several grinds you will need to replace your rim.


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I have some koxx bloxx, browns, and i also have sum kool stops (N) and sum red pads that I don't know what they are, I think they may be toxin :S

The koxx bloxx should be good but if its a semi-harsh/harsh grind then the kool stops will get eaten very quickly(Y)

Edited by fredrico
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Basicly you don't want to run pads such as koxx browns they are just way too hard and will wear out you grind uber fast unlike a softer compound pad such as heatsink blues plasmatic ect.

And oviously if you are going keep grinding ur rim you are going to need a new rim quicker, as everytime you grind a rim you take a little of the sidewalls away.

When your grinding a rim explaine to your dad that your not gonna go through it and take massive chuncks out you are just gonna be roughing up the surface to give the brake something to bite to.

I would say a rim can safley take 10-15 grinds depending on how harsh you grind.

Pros of grind a rim:

better brake,

brake works in all conditions,


You are taking away a little bit of your sidewall ( this is nothing to worrie about really (Y) )

Pads wear out faster

My advice would be try plzmatic pads with no tar on a smooth rim and if there still bad grind; ive heard good things about plazmatics!

Or if you are going straigh to a grind check out www.heatsinkbikes.com and grab some blue pads there awsome!

Also why not get one of your mates that have alredy ground rims to do it for you so you no what to do ect.

Hope I helped a little


Edited by samthebiker
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to be honest u cant beat IMO,to be honest!1!1 (in dry conditions) a smooth rimm with clean pads and clean rimm (cleaned with muck off or bathroom cleaner) But it a pain in ass to keep cleaning. It sounds sweet though and brakes like a biatch.

I use a grind though (converted recently) As winter is scheissen hausen weather, and if ur brake gets wet in the slightest , its turd, and if u run tar, and your rimm is wet, you'll know it just wont work.

Grind away to be honest

Oh and i use zoo pads on my grind, and havent been eaten :/

Edited by John planet x
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i disagree heatsink blues are amazing terror-error

My names rob!!! :angry:

Ask most of the top riders in england which have used these pads... (porter for instance...)

and then ask which are better... new heatsink reds, or the blues.... then you will get a really good answer, and will ALWAYS be the same... heatsink reds... if your wondering...

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I used Heatsink Red's for a day on a grind just to finish them off as my new pads had arrived and they were immense, even after riding through puddles. Heatsink blue's are the way forward though, ROB!! (notice how I did'nt write Terror Error) What are you on about, the Red's are designed for smooth rim and Blue's are designed for a grind so obviously the Reds are gunna work better on a grind but they will be dust in a few days. Go for the Blue's mate. (Y)

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No, you dont need to grind your rim, I used to do it and now I just dont bother and my brakes are still fine.

By the way, how come your dad gets to decide if you can or not, its your bike right?

It's because he is gay and says that im not "hacking at my rim with power tools" and " just because you read it on the internet its not true" and the worst one he says is "just because others do it it doesn't mean you have to" so i tell him others do it because it makes your brake work better, most importantly in the wet, and it could save my life (a bit dramatic I know, but i thought it may work...). But he just says that i can't and he would kick my arse (not literally) if i just did it, but i mite just do it any way! :D

oh and JT has a point there terror


Edited by t-mag_rider
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