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Know Your Limits


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style will come into it more than "how big can you go" as we have seen through alot of videos of late sometimes its not about how far someone can push the boundaries its about how controlled and how skilled the riders ability. it doesnt have to be 10ft drop this 10ft gap this and 50 odd inch sidehop that. to me it looks boring, if i go out practising sidehops its because if i get caught in a situation in a comp where i cannot move and i have to sidehop i am happy being able to sidehop an object that is 48-50" tall. it helps but when you look at it, a sidehop is pretty boring. for anyone who has seen earthed 3, if you look at akriggs section in that the sidehop OFF the 3ft high wall --------- backwards manuel (8-10ft) ------------ back to sidehop to wall (again only 3ft high :S ) looks far nicer and more impressive than a huge sidehop. same with gapping, alot of people static gap things its nice for achange to see someone pedal a gap and do something a bit different. the problem is trials will come to a "stand still" where everyone looks and does the same. which to me is where alot of it is at the moment. if you think of it in one respective if everyone does the same its going to get boring :( but if people offer a different way of looking at things then there is difference therefore trials will grow in many other aspects. im not saying everyone should change the way they ride, but i keep looking at different lines and different ways of attacking objects so that i am not re itterating what someone else has done. sometimes i ride at things and dont think of what to do until the last minute but that usually goes a bit tits up :P quite amusing though :)


nice topic though. i was pondering the other day i havent seen a vid of CLS or Tunni in ages. :( am sure something will be in the pipeline though (hopefully)

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the only way trials can continue, in my eyes is by incorporating bmx tricks / lines. Flowing over across up and round obstacles using speed and gravity a bit more.

There is a limit on distances and heights, there isn't a limit on other factors, so these are the things that need to be progressed.

A backflip is a backflip. Bu then there is no limit what you can do while in the backflip. Same in trials. Trials needs riders with imagination, to pull seperate things together, like maybe in a drop, add something ito that. Sounds daft, but why has nobody done a tuc no hander drop....

To me, it's the only way trials can succeed. A shitload of riders have moved to bmx because they see it as more expandable and accessible. It got me.


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thank you bongo, that will be the future of trials, IT WILL

thats the kind of stuff i have been trying lately, take the x-up, in the air of a drop, has been done

what about turndowns, look so cool, been trying them, learning on bmx first

barspins, 180 crankflips, 360's, g-turns, x-up toothpick stalls?

there are so many tricks out there, that no one has tried bringing to trials yet

all that sort of stuff, but still with trials riding, should be about controll, like wayne has said,

perfection is going to be the big thing in trials i think, being able to be amazingly consistent with the most out of this world tricks

thats why i dont really see myself as a trials-rider anymore, is there anyone else who feels the same?

it has just got too booring for me, and i have tried to look at things differently, its damn hard is the problem

to look at a line, and think about the last thing you would see on it, tech stuff is going to be the future, and having it dialed to a fine art


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I can think of one reason that a lot of the "big movers" are limited in their moves.

Everyone seems to run their tyre pressure so low. Anything that involves spinning is pretty much out of the question!

Low front tyre pressures make G-turns almost impossible and 180's over gaps it will tend to squirm out. I love spins, and one of my favourites is static 360's off walls. Yet without a decent pressure, you're squirming left right and centre.

I've tried lower tyre pressures and you can definetely get bigger heights, using the bounce to help. I guess It's a matter of choosing what style of riding you want to be doing!

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As long as the limits are set by a lack of courage or lack of precision, and not by limits of the human body, new records will be set. The ultimate sidehopping technique has already been mastered, and now jumping high is just a question of leg strength, maybe, assisted by special frames in the future.

The mentioned 900 is more technique oriented, than depending on somebody's strength. Therefor it just needs lots of practice.

It's probable that in the future we will have riders doing taps onto narrow poles, and other objects where precision is key.

I bet my boots that we won't see a 150cm sidehop for at least two years. I recently wached a video of Andreas Navarade hooking up 183cm. And that must have been a long time ago, because both the riders in that vid were riding old yellow and green monty bikes. Don't think we'll see any records there either.

Still think that even though the top riders may not jump higher or further, we will see some smashing moves from them.

Great topic (Y)

Edited by Inur
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they do an internal one now too - apparently can be fitted to standard frames if you drill a couple of holes


I want one...

Bmx flow moves are where its going, pumping around getting lines delt with in a sequence.

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