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Chris King Vs Fixed Hub And Front Freewheel.....


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Right, personally i love Kings but there jus so damned expensive.! What sort of engagement can i expect from a top quality front freewheel? considering that a king is 72 or something. ? Also any info on prices and makes to look for.?

Oh and if anyone can recommened some good standard diameter Carbon fibre flat bars that would be handy (something similar in width,rise etc to Koxx try-alls)

Thanks all.

Tommo. (Y)

Edited by TomNewbold
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Right, personally i love Kings but there jus so damned expensive.! What sort of engagement can i expect from a top quality front freewheel? considering that a king is 72 or something. ? Also any info on prices and makes to look for.?

Thanks all.

Tommo. (Y)

an eno trials freewheel (green one) has 72EPs - 85£ if you pay full price (warranty etc) trials-uk do them for 70 ish but i don't know what sort of warranty you get.

don't forget that the EPs at the pedals on a king is more like 100 cos of the gear ratio - you'd get the same if you ran an eno on the back though.

Ive only had my eno a few weeks so cant comment on longevity but its a massive improvement on an acs claw. it feels much more positive generally, its easier to stay on the back wheel cos you dont have to move the pedals so much to get an engagement and it sounds nicer.

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Well on paper:

Chris King gives about 100 EPs at the pedals

An ENO trials free wheel gives 72

IMO go for the King, I only have one on my bike because it's what came with it when I bought it 2nd hand but oh my god if I knew how nice they were I'd have made sure the bike I bought had one. A few people really despise of them though, especially Dan Ko who I ride with, claims he can't stand them but I reckon he's just jealous :shifty: ....or maybe not lol But I still reckon King is the king ;)

an eno trials freewheel (green one) has 72EPs - 85£ if you pay full price (warranty etc) trials-uk do them for 70 ish but i don't know what sort of warranty you get.

Full warranty etc AFAIK

Also forgot to add, if you really wanna save some money but still get good engagement points the new Tensile freewheel might be worth thinking about although I think the release date is still indefinite....

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But I still reckon King is the king ;)

cheesey as you like lol.

i'm in the same dilema as you at the moment, but i would say king. or the new hope pro2 trials singlespeed hub, looks lush, 48 ep, not too bad, only 24ep behind the king and under half the price. and hope give by far the best service.

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Its a big difference. ffw feels like shit.
king all the way front free wheel is poo i hate it

Which freewheels were you both using? If you say "ACS Claw", don't be surprised it felt like shit. £10 of shit freewheel isn't going to compare. On the other hand, Enos feel f**king amazing...

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Which freewheels were you both using? If you say "ACS Claw", don't be surprised it felt like shit. £10 of shit freewheel isn't going to compare. On the other hand, Enos feel f**king amazing...

FFW feels flimsey to me (both ENO and ACS), probably just my imagination but i much prefer hope or king.

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FFW feels flimsey to me (both ENO and ACS), probably just my imagination but i much prefer hope or king.

ACSs DO feel like shit, but my Eno's always been totally solid? The driveshell is held in place super well, the bearings work super well, the 6 pawls all work super well, etc... Just as a quick question again, was it you with the 36ep Eno? I know someone on here had one...

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I have had both ffw and king.ffw with a acs did not feel nice at all but when i got a eno it felt some much better more solid and just made me think for £70-80 pounds for the trials free wheel is a very good deal and work fine for about 24 weeks then sold it and its still going after like 1 year and still feels mint.Then i got a king bmx hub and it just feels like a eno but just a bit better.

ffw = eno is the best

rear hub = king all the way

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(Y)(Y)(Y) Thanks all for the advice!! Had a bit of a touch yesterday and i dont need to make the choice now!!

, just bought a Brisa B26D with great parts -king rear hub n headset, Brisa bar n stem, RB lever, Plaz pads on rear. front XTR v +lever, spanish fly pads. Middleburns etc etc... top spec. cost me £550! :lol:

Its immacultae and came with every recipt and manual! :o

so now i have a king so no need for a front freewheel which seems like the best way anyway :-:D

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get an eno. by the time you bought your king(200) and had new spokes(10) and a wheelbuild(10) your looking at 220 quid. an eno and a fixed cog would come to 90 max and you have a nice solid feeling freewheel.

Wouldn't you have to rebuild your rear wheel with a fixed hub to have a ffw, or am I mistaken?

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I used to run front freewheel on my first real trials bike, it was the old box-tubed onza t-pro. It had a cheap shimano freewheel on it. I never had any problems (apart from trousers getting caught in it!). I dont remember it skipping even once and I never tightened it. I wouldnt call it a reliable experience though as it was on a mod and I was just starting out, no big moves! I then ran a hope mono on the back when I got my first stock and it was good at first, but as I got better my experiences of the hub became worse and worse. I started needing new internals and eventually whole new hubs every few months, and there is no way I was a heavy rider. Just as it knackered again I found a chris king wheel on ebay and got a 36 spoke king classic laced to BMF rim for £150, good condition too. Since I got it my hub has skipped badly once, and thats because I put the wrong oil in it. :$

I considered front freewheel to replace the hope hub, but I heard too many bad things about them so I decided on the king. (Y)

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ACSs DO feel like shit, but my Eno's always been totally solid? The driveshell is held in place super well, the bearings work super well, the 6 pawls all work super well, etc... Just as a quick question again, was it you with the 36ep Eno? I know someone on here had one...

Wasn't moi, i'm a hope slut at the mo :P Might have been Will, that boys had more hubs, freewheels and disc brakes than tartybikes have ever had in stock :lol:

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